theMayflowerCompact.ThisCompactpromisedtocreatea“civilBodyPolitick”ernedbyelectedofficials and“justandequallaws.”ItalsosworeallegiancetotheEnglishking. PLYMOUTHCOLONYANDTHEFIRSTTHANKSGIVING Thecolonistsspentthefirstwinter,whichonly53passengersandhalfthecrewsurvived,livingonboardthe Mayflower.(TheMayflowersailed...
The Mayflower Compact 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 - Table of contents, index, and glossary- Additional resources, maps, important dates, and facts- Primary source documents and illustrations- Maps and timelines- Resources for more information ...
> the mayflower compact 五月花号公约 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 78阅读文档大小:3.28M21页sytd2edr4上传于2016-03-28格式:PPT Chapter One The Mayflower Compact 热度: 论《"五月花号"公约》对美国宪政之可能贡献 热度: [法律资料]United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 联合国海洋法公约 ...
The Mayflower Compact was a document that established how the early Pilgrims would live their lives and govern themselves in their new colony...
五月花号公约The Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in ...
The Mayflower Compact (1620) And The ColonistsLeonard O. Goenaga
Primary sources are original historical documents, letters, or first-hand accounts. Explore the Mayflower Compact, the document's history, its context, and its contents. The Mayflower Compact In the year 1620, English society was torn between religious disputes. Conflict between Catholicism and ...