THEMAYFLOWERCOMPACT Madeby莫梦莎 Catalogs BackgroundContentsspirits Influences ThegreatgeographicdiscoveryofNewWorld •ColumbusfoundtheNewWorldin1492,whichopenedthedoortoEuropeancolonies Protestantism TheReformation ---religiouspersecution LutheransCalvinistsAnglicans Puritans PresbyterianSeparatist Puritan:peoplewhoworship...
The Mayflower Compact, written and signed in 1620 by forty-one white men aboard a ship called the Mayflower, provided basic laws for those who first arrived in America. Eventually the thirteen colonies expanded, which brought an economical benefit and expanded trade for Britain. However, in the...
What was the Mayflower Compact? Learn the Mayflower Compact definition, summary, and significance. Explore how the Mayflower Compact came into...
What audience was the Mayflower Compact written for? What does the Mayflower Compact say about equality? What is the point of view of the Mayflower Compact? What were the most important elements of the Mayflower Compact? What were the two main ideas of the Mayflower Compact?
史书是古人写就的,有些内容可能会因有人随意取舍、记忆有误或者心存故意而_历史真实。运用基因等高科技手段的考古研究是科学,它以客观而非主观的科学事实和科学数据得出结论。科学可以检验,可以用重复操作检验此前的研究成果是否准确、正确,从而_了人为造假的可能。 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是:
Which colony and its settlers signed the Mayflower Compact?The Mayflower Compact, originally titled Agreement Between the Settlers of New Plymouth, was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by the male passengers of the Mayflower, consisting of separatist Puritans, ...
UnitOneTheMayflowerCompact 1.Pre-reading 2.TextofTheMayflowerCompact 3.TheChineseVersionofthetext 4.TheSignificanceofThe MayflowerCompact 5.Discussion 6.SupplementaryMaterials 7.EssayWriting 1.Pre-reading 1)TheMayflowerCompactwasthefirstgoverning documentofPlymouthColony.Itwaswrittenbythe colonists,later...
Mayflower Compact AP USHistory1-04 essay TheMayflowerCompactTheMayflowerCompactwasthe very firstAmericanself-governing document written and adopted by approximately 40 pilgrims who had just arrived inwhatis now known as Provincetown near Cape Cod. TheCompactwascreated by the pi...
‘The Mayflower Compact 1620’ by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris. 41 men on board drew up and signed the ‘Mayflower Compact’, a document giving a constitutional framework of liberty and law and order to their new colony. Source: Public Domain. ...
The Compact refers to them as the “loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith…” According to historians, the foundation of the United States Constitution, which was written more than 150...