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五月花号公约The Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in ...
(五月花公约)The Mayflower Compact
CAlthoughthecolonistswhocametoAmericaontheMayflowercalledthemselves“Saints,” todaytheyareoftencalled“Pilgrims.” DThenativepeoplehelpedthecolonistssurvivebyshowingthemhowtohuntanimals, gathersfish,andgrowcrops. 6.Readthesesentencesfromthetext. “Infact,theSeparatists(theycalledthemselves“Saints”)didfindreligiou...
The Mayflower Compact Directions - Read the text below and answer the questions using complete sentences on your own paper. The 102 passengers on the Mayflower were divided into two groups. Only 41 of them were Pilgrims--religious dissenters called Separatists, who had fled England for Holland....
1 Page Open Document The Mayflower Compact was the first document of the Plymth colony. The Mayflower Compact, was signed by 41 English colonists on the ship Mayflower on November 1620. It was the first written framework of government established in the new world. ...
TheMayflowerCompact五月花号公约资料 THEMAYFLOWERCOMPACT Madeby莫梦莎 Catalogs BackgroundContentsspirits Influences ThegreatgeographicdiscoveryofNewWorld •ColumbusfoundtheNewWorldin1492,whichopenedthedoortoEuropeancolonies Protestantism TheReformation ---religiouspersecution LutheransCalvinistsAnglicans Puritans Presbyte...
五月花号公约(THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT):1620年11月11日,经过在海上六十六天的漂泊之后,一艘来自英国的名为“五月花”的英国3桅盖伦大帆船向美洲陆地靠近。船上有一百零二名乘客。他们的目的地本是哈德逊河口地区,但由于海上风浪险恶,他们错过了目标,于是就在现在的科德角外普罗温斯顿港抛锚。为了建立一个大家都...