Explore Innerbody's 3D anatomical model of the knee joint, one of the most important joints in the human body.
ANATOMY The knee joint functions as a stabilizer for the lower extremity during weight bearing and allows large range of motion for various functional activities. The two primary articulations of the knee joint are the tibiofemoral joint and the patellofemoral joint....
Bursæ.—The bursæ near the knee-joint are the following: In front there are four bursæ: a large one is interposed between the patella and the skin, a small one between the upper part of the tibia and the ligamentum patellæ, a third between the lower part of the tuberosity ...
Septic Arthritis of the Knee 膝关节化脓性关节炎 Overview(概述) This is an infection in the knee joint. It causes your knee to become painfully inflamed. Without proper treatment, it can become a chronic problem. It can...
Anatomy of the Knee The knee joint is defined as a hinge joint and therefore expresses two degrees of freedom that are classifed as flexion and extension. Answer and Explanation:1 The knee joint itself manifeststwo formal articulationsinvolvingthree bones. Thefemur of the leg and the tibia of ...
It is important to understand the anatomy and function of the knee. This section covers basic knee anatomy. The knee is the largest joint in the body.
Found in:Essentials,Anatomy & Physiology,update TwitterMail The knee joint is comprised of four bones: the femur, patella, tibia, and fibula (Figure 1). They combine to create one of the least structurally stable joints in the body. Accordingly, the knee can only move safely in a limited ...
the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee joint are presented. Particular emphasis has been placed on the bony anatomy, menisci, cruciate ligaments, medial and lateral aspects of the knee, and neurovascular structures. The basic science of the patellofemoral joint is described in a separate section....
Test your knowledge on the anatomy of the knee joint in this quiz.Ligaments and menisci There are many ligaments within the knee joint that connect the bony structures in the joint and hold them in place, providing stability, and preventing dislocation. We will go through the most important on...
KNEE JOINT ANATOMYPOPLITEUS TENDONFABELLOFIBULAR LIGAMENTPOSTEROLATERAL RESTRAINTSBIOMECHANICSThe major supporting structures of the posterolateral knee were noted to be composed of three components: the fabellofibular ligament, the arcuate ligament, and popliteus muscle with origin from fibular head. We ...