Within a knee joint, the suprapatellar bursa separates the tendon of the large anterior thigh muscle from the distal femur just above the knee, and the prepatellar bursa allows the skin to move smoothly over the patella. This text is partially adapted from Openstax, Anatomy and Physiology 2e,...
of Knee Bone Structure Bone Remodeling Fracture Healing Anatomical Structures of Knee CartilageCartilage StructureHistology of Cartilage Cartilage Structure Histology of Cartilage Joint Capsule and LigamentsCapsuleLigaments Capsule Ligaments Menisci Muscles Bursae and Fat PadsBursaeFat Pads Bursae Fat Pads ...
Move the leg in the posterior direction, results in bending or flexing of the knee, decreasing the angle of the knee joint. What is dorsiflexion? The toes and dorsum of the foot are pulled toward the anterior side of the body.When the muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg ...
An overview of the anatomy of the knee joint including bony articulations, ligaments, menisci, arterial supply, innervation and relevant muscles.
the anatomy and biomechanics of the knee joint are presented. Particular emphasis has been placed on the bony anatomy, menisci, cruciate ligaments, medial and lateral aspects of the knee, and neurovascular structures. The basic science of the patellofemoral joint is described in a separate section....
Dr. Hans Katzberg University of Toronto, Canada Thigh, gluteal region, and knee joint Thigh, gluteal region, and knee joint 48 min Dr. Hannah Shaw Cardiff University, UK An overview of the abdomen An overview of the abdomen 39 min Prof. Beverley Kramer University of the Witwatersrand...
Which structure is a ball & socket joint? Shoulder Which anatomical structure houses the malleus, incus & stapes? Skull & Ear What are like cells grouped together called? Tissue The pulse point located behind the knee is palpated over which artery? Popliteal Ceruminous (apocrine) glands secrete...
You're about to discover the most spectacular gold mine of human anatomy & physiology materials and diagrams ever created for commercial sale! "Get A Grip On The Human Body..." Listen closely, I'm about to share with you everything you'll ever need to know about human anatomy, physiology...
Anteromedial portion of the pelvis Joins as the pubic symphysis in the anteromedial direction Acetabulum: Formed from parts of the ilium, ischium, and pubis Cup-shaped socket of the hip joint (forms the acetabulofemoral joint with the head of the femur ) Sacrum : Butterfly-shaped bone ...
The purpose of this chapter is to identify the functional anatomy that impacts the reconstruction of the arthritic knee with a prosthetic implant. This work does not attempt to review all the detailed soft-tissue anatomy of the knee that is covered more