Define DNA ligase. DNA ligase synonyms, DNA ligase pronunciation, DNA ligase translation, English dictionary definition of DNA ligase. DNA A. adenine T. thymine C. cytosine G. guanine n. A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in cells and so
The genomic DNA ofT. mongolicuswas extracted from the leaves using a modified CTAB method [34]. Quality of the isolated DNA was assessed using NanoDrop-2000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA) and Qubit 3.0 fluorometer (Life Technologies). The genomic DNA was sheared to an average...
The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF135 modulates chemotherapy resistance to oxaliplatin for colorectal cancer by modulating autophagy E3泛素连接酶RNF135通过调节自噬调节结直肠癌对奥沙利铂化疗的耐药性 相关领域 生物 奥沙利铂 泛素连接酶 自噬 结直肠癌 泛素 癌症研究 化疗 DNA连接酶 癌症 泛素蛋白连接酶类 遗传...
DNA biosensor DNA hybridization DNA ligase Electrochemical analysis 1. Introduction The design of the electrochemical biosensor described in this paper could equally have been applied to any genomic DNA but the white rot fungus, Ganoderma boninense was selected in this study. This is a pathogen, whi...
associated proteins. Among these, we focused on C13ORF7/RNF219, an uncharacterised potential E3 ubiquitin ligase that we called OBI1 (ORC ubiquitin-ligase-1). The properties of OBI1 suggest that it could be a replication origin selector essential for DNA replication origin activation during S...
Intrinsic apoptosis of mitochondrial pathway: DNA damage, growth factor deficiency, ROS and other endogenous stress cause the Bad/Bak proteins (respectively pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family) to form a complex, which is inserted into the mitochondrial outer membrane, changes the permeability...
1 μ1 of 10 x T4 DNA ligase buffer, 20 ng of pYLgRNA-OsU6a or pYLgRNA-OsU3 vector, 1 μ1 of the target sequence adaptor, and 35 U of T4 DNA ligase (Takara, Dalian, China). The target sequence adaptors TMS5a, TMS5c, TMS5e, TMS5g and TMS5i, respectively, were ligated ...
The ubiquitin ligase Peli1 inhibits ICOS and thereby Tfh-mediated immunity Article Open access 11 March 2021 Introduction In recent years it has become increasingly clear that the T cell growth factor interleukin-2 (IL-2) exerts multiple functions in regulation of the immune system1,2. IL-2...
TD-60 (also known as RCC2) is a highly conserved protein that structurally resembles the Ran guanine exchange factor (GEF) RCC1, but has not previously been shown to have GEF activity. TD-60 has a typical chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) distribution
anthyllidis LMG 26462T and the presence of unclassified Aminobacter strains. Here, we determined the genome sequence of A. anthyllidis LMG 26462T and performed phylogenomic, average nucleotide identity and digital DNA-DNA hybridization analyses of 17 members of genus Aminobacter. Our results ...