A unique collaboration between cartoonist/author Bev Aisbett and Dr Russ Harris, this is an illustrated, simplified pocketbook version of Russ’s original, international bestseller 'The Happiness Trap'. It’s an easy-to-read introduction to all those powerful life-changing ideas or a great ...
The Illustrated Happiness Trap How To Stop Struggling and Start Living 如何开始停止挣扎和开始新生活 A User-friendly guide to ACT: the mindfulness-based program for reducing stress, overcoming fear, and creating a rich and meaningful life 是一本ACT 疗法的指南:以正念为基础,用于减轻压力、克服恐惧并...
你尝试逼你自己感觉好起来。 逃跑:逃避或躲避不想要的想法 你躲避那些让你觉得不舒服的场合或情景。 分散注意力。 你专注于其他事情以避免不必要的想法和感受。 麻醉你自己。 你使你觉得自己对这些想法和感受无意识。你可能会使用酒精,或者药物来逃避这些痛苦。 用这些办法(战斗/逃跑)来处理负面想法/情绪有什么问题...
A summary of the potential etiological factors, as constructed from the analytical process, is illustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Summary of the proposed etiological connections of self-perceived PP Full size image The Beginning of the Experience [Extract 1]: I have been masturbating since I was ...
No one knew for sure for some time which side of the body their genitals were on, they might even have had two, one on their horse side and another on their human side (as every centaur Kenkou illustrated had some kind of covering there). When the centaur's book profile was translated...
Enjoy beautifully illustrated cards and sculpted Villain movers, each incorporating your Villain’s weapon and featuring a unique pattern. You can also purchase Villainous Star Wars: Power of the Dark Side at Target. Read More Photo Credit: Target Nintendo Switch Lite This cool and portable ...
Whether she decided to write novels as a vehicle for her illustrations or as an outlet for her literary inclinations, between 1945 and 1958, Betty Swanwick wrote and illustrated three slim novels that gleefully subvert many of the tropes and conventions of the 19th century novels and more than ...
My great-grandfather’s bookcases were still in the basement, preserved under dusty drop cloths and I liberated the complete Dickens in hardback, the stories of Guy de Maupassant, an illustrated Moby Dick. I kept a diary on my laptop; though, I was often uninspired and only tapped out a ...
61 An Illustrated History of the Core 62 An Illustrated History of the Core One of the previous three steps weakens the forces trapping Gwydion in the Obsidian Gate, so he tries to break free, which seriously damages the planar integrity of Ravenloft and ...
我尝试了认知脱钩但是觉得不起作用。 你的意思是你一直纠缠在故事里? 我尝试了认知脱钩但是我仍然觉得很焦虑。 但是认知脱钩并不是控制感觉的一个方法。 认知脱钩的目的是: 把你的没有用的想法看成文字, 这样您就可以做重要的事情并充分参与其中 但是你越是与痛苦的感觉斗争,它们就会变得越大 在本书的后面,我...