观念史的研究可谓是博雅教育(Liberal Arts)的地基,Lovejoy在这部书中打破了学科界限,穿梭于哲学、神学、文学、宇宙学或天文学、物理学、生物学等各个学科,用the Great Chain of Being这样一条线索来贯穿。充实性原则、连续性原则成为神义论的辩护方式。柏拉图在《蒂迈欧篇... (展开) ...
内容提示: THE GREAT CHAIN OF BEING A classical and Western medieval concept of God's strict and natural hierarchical structure of the universe. In medieval secular society, for example, the king is at the top, succeeded by the aristocratic lords, and then the peasants below them. Solidifying ...
Scala naturae 存在锁链: The Great Chain of Being a hierarchical structure of all matter and life, thought by medieval Christianity to have been decreed by God. The chain begins with God and descends through angels, humans, animals, and plants, to minerals. Romanticism: The movement emphasized ...
Television in the History of ThoughtThe Value ChainThe Drift of MeaningsSummaryThe New Economy, Creativity, and Consumption in the Value Chaindoi:10.1002/9780470694183.ch2John HartleyWiley-BlackwellHARTLEY, J. The `Value Chain of Meaning' and the New Economy. In: International Journal of Cultural ...
Idiomatic expressions are the building blocks of civilization and language. They make the language evolve. The great intensity of idioms makes a language dynamic and interesting. Phrases bring a remarkable illustration to daily speech and offer compelling insights into the use of languages, words, and...
the great dionysia the great distance se the great financial c the great ghost rescu the great learning the great love that i the great master the great military re the great northern wi the great powerful the great pretender f the great society the great temple of a the greatest integer th...
the boys say they wan the brain the branch of entomol the branches shook th the brand chain monop the brazilian job the breadmakers carni the bringing forth ne the british columbia the british economy r the british judge the brokens the brokes the bronze age burial the bronze kettle the br...
Here, carrie explains why to Ruth Alexander, presenter of BBC World Service program, the food chain. Yeah, there are studies that show that because it sounds fancier, you know, there for French food has long been considered the...
When they, or co-workers, have contributed, the story suddenly doesn’t feel like marketing and they’re eager to show off the great place they call work. Developing this culture of story gathering relies on the habit of capturing moments, quotes and anecdotes as they happen, ac...
the rise of silas lap the rise of the great the rising power of t the rising sun of cla the ritual failed the ritz-carlton mill the river clyde the river is flowing the river kwai march the rmb agnate of off the road not taken the road of dreams le the road of emperors the road ...