Scala naturae 存在锁链: The Great Chain of Being a hierarchical structure of all matter and life, thought by medieval Christianity to have been decreed by God. The chain begins with God and descends through angels, humans, animals, and plants, to minerals. Romanticism: The movement emphasized ...
tombofthefirstrulerofChina.ThefirstemperorofChina,QinShihuang,accomplishedahuge amountduringhisrule.Between221and210B.C.,hestartedtheconstructionoftheGreatWall. Hebuiltalargenetworkofroads.Heintroducedanewwritingsystem,currency(货币),andaset ofmeasurements.Theemperoralsoorderedtheconstructionofahugearmyoflife-siz...
marking each move by the loose surplus of chain that fell with an accented rattle upon each succeeding step as the goblin that bore it advanced.I heard muttered sentences;half-uttered screams that seemed smothered violently;and the swish of invisible garments, the rush of invisible wings.Then ...
Tom and Miss Baker, with several feet of twilight between them, strolled back into the library, as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body, while, trying to look pleasantly interested and a little deaf, I followed Daisy around a chain of connecting verandas to the porch in front....
The first four excerpts can be found at; they explain the general approach itself. "AQAL" (pronounced ah-qwul) is short for "all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types," which is the metatheory of the integral approach, and which will be explained ...
What does it mean that a humanoid robot is capable of forward flips? EngineAI's answer is: reshaping the boundaries of imagination. "Compared to backflips, front flips are much more challenging," said Yao Qiyuan, co-founder and head of marketing at EngineAI. He explained that the forward ...
great story. It has completely changed my approach.” Whelan said that she also learns about her writing when she experiences it as a narrator. “There is something about it that changes when you’re performing it,” she said. “I read the book out loud during every stage of its ...
he was killed with a bullet from the future (and as we learn later) an idealized proto bullet. Basically the whole chain of events is set in motion by good being defeated by something that hasn't happened yet - it is an idea of what will happen in the future. If a person went aro...
this motown this must be good for this new laptops work this not the chain of this old watch this one day e as out this open source this opportunity this outstanding bran this paper analyzes m this paper deals with this paper feels roug this paper is about r this paper presents a this...
the certificate of ho the cha cha cha the chain of a functi the chair is broken the challenge of pose the chamber of indust the change of seasons the changes of the pa the changes of womens the chant of the crow the characteristics a the characteristics o the characteristics o the charact...