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观念史的研究可谓是博雅教育(Liberal Arts)的地基,Lovejoy在这部书中打破了学科界限,穿梭于哲学、神学、文学、宇宙学或天文学、物理学、生物学等各个学科,用the Great Chain of Being这样一条线索来贯穿。充实性原则、连续性原则成为神义论的辩护方式。柏拉图在《蒂迈欧篇... (展开) ...
The Great Chain of Being.The poem "The Great Chain of Being," by Clare Rossini, is presented. First Line: The rain cowing ferns the feral twittering of stars; Last Line: And the sea, rising comes looking.RossiniClareEBSCO_AspKenyon Review...
从充实性原则出发,Lovejoy总结两条柏拉图哲学中的关乎这条原则的原始说法的两个含义:1.(经过一系列关乎《蒂迈欧篇》的论证和考据)在我们已经看到的作为柏拉图哲学之特征的形而上学倾向的两重性中, 隐含了一个原始的柏拉图价值图式的相应的逆转——没有可感的世界,理智的世界就会被看作是有缺陷的。因为一个不为自...
内容提示: THE GREAT CHAIN OF BEING A classical and Western medieval concept of God's strict and natural hierarchical structure of the universe. In medieval secular society, for example, the king is at the top, succeeded by the aristocratic lords, and then the peasants below them. Solidifying ...
Our persistence in placing ourselves at the top of the Great Chain of Being suggests we have some deep psychological need to see ourselves as the culmination of creation. Ironically, Richard Dawkins' recent book, a trip back in time in search of our ance
Define golden chain. golden chain synonyms, golden chain pronunciation, golden chain translation, English dictionary definition of golden chain. n another name for laburnum Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Har
-- Building Blocks of the Soul. -- Cabalah Primer: Introduction to the English/Hebrew Cabalah. -- Caravan of Dreams. -- Catching the Thread: Sufism, Dreamwork & Jungian Psychology. -- Centaurs and Amazons: Women and the Pre-History of the Great Chain of Being. -- Cosmic Consciousness....
There is wide literature on metaphor and legal language (e.g., Henly 1987; Twardzisz 2008, amongst many others). Certainly, metaphor is a part of legal language (Alcaraz and Hughes 2002: 43), but not just an ornamental part. Metaphors may play a very
chain - (business) a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership business, business concern, business organisation, business organization, concern - a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his...