欧·亨利著名短篇小说"The gift of the Magi"被翻译为"麦琪的礼物"的确容易让人误解。小说里压根没有一个人叫"麦琪",这里的 Magi(读音 /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/)是耶稣降生时,来朝拜耶稣的东方三博士,所以 The gift of the Magi 实际上就是"圣诞礼物"。小说讲述了一对贫穷的年轻夫妇如何在圣诞节为彼此准备...
Your love will be tested by obstacles in real life(daily life), so be prepared.One more question puzzled me a long time, if one day when we can have a stable, simple, economical love relationship with AI( like the film ‘Her’), will we still choose the hard way, like the couple ...
a quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the flat. 她白皙的手指轻巧地解开绳子,打开纸包,紧接着是一声欣喜若狂的尖叫,哎呀!然后突然变成了女性神经质的眼泪和哭泣,男主人只得千方百计来抚慰了。 For there ...
手表中的黄金也可以象征几样东西,包括纯洁、金钱(这对夫妇缺乏金钱)、内在价值和持久性。 【参考资料】O. Henry(欧·亨利)《The Gift of the Magi》《贤士的礼物》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
这个故事的标题是 the gift of the magi ,译成中文以后,绝大部分译本都写成“麦琪的礼物”。但是大部分中国读者都没有意识到,这个耳熟能详的标题,实际上是源自文化差异的误解。 首先,这个标题里的 Magi ,拼写是 M-A-G-I ,而我们熟悉的英语人名 Maggi的拼写是 M-A-G-G-I ,两者虽然发音相同,后者却比...
O.Henry is said to be the most gifted and famous American short-story novelist in the world.As one of his major works,The Gift of The Magi tells us a story about a couple in the low social class.With the coming of Christmas,both of them want to give the other a gift.As a result...
The gift of Magi麦琪的礼物英语鉴赏.pdf,The story opens with $1.87. Thats all Della Dillingham Young has to buy a present for her beloved husband, Jim. And the next day is Christmas. Faced with such a situation, Della promptly bursts into tears on the cou
The classic holiday tale of love, devotion, and the art of giving - written by one of the world's best-known short-story authors - will delight those both new to and familiar with this timeless narrative. 喜欢读"The Gift Of The Magi (Aladdin Picture Books)"的人也喜欢 ··· The Wiz...
The Gift of Maggie·麦琪的礼物· 《麦琪的礼物》(The Gift of Maggie)是欧·亨利著名短篇小说,他在这篇小说中,以轻松生动的笔调,讲述了德拉和吉姆夫妻俩圣诞节互赠礼物的故事,平淡中带着转折,感人至深。 为了凑够买礼物的钱,德拉剪掉了自己的一头...
高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 欧.亨利the gift of the magi《麦琪的礼物》 学生版讲义资料 热度: MyReviewonTheGiftofTheMagi DoyourememberthefirsttimereadingO'Henry'sTheGift oftheMagi?Doyourecallthelumpinyourthroatwhenthehero, Jim,soldhisonlyvaluablepossession,hiswatch,tobuyaset ...