欧·亨利著名短篇小说"The gift of the Magi"被翻译为"麦琪的礼物"的确容易让人误解。小说里压根没有一个人叫"麦琪",这里的 Magi(读音 /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/)是耶稣降生时,来朝拜耶稣的东方三博士,所以 The gift of the Magi 实际上就是"圣诞礼物"。小说讲述了一对贫穷的年轻夫妇如何在圣诞节为彼此准备...
the gift of the magi 读音:美英 the gift of the magi基本解释 圣诞礼物;麦琪的礼物;贤士的礼物 分词解释 gift赠品,礼物 magi魔术家,占星家( magus的名词复数 ) the gift of the magi是什么意思 the gift of the magi怎么读 the gift of the magi在线翻译 the gift of the magi中文意思 the gift of ...
手表中的黄金也可以象征几样东西,包括纯洁、金钱(这对夫妇缺乏金钱)、内在价值和持久性。 【参考资料】O. Henry(欧·亨利)《The Gift of the Magi》《贤士的礼物》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
THE GIFT OF THE MAGI麦琪的礼物 by O. Henry [美]欧·亨利/著潘明元/译 One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned...
The gift of the Magi《麦琪的礼物》Christmas is coming. Everyone is getting ready for the holiday.There is a young couple-Jim and Della. They're very poor. They have nomoney to buy gifts for each other.Jim has a gold watch from his father, but he has no money to buy awatch chain ...
《The Gift of the Magi》(《麦琪的礼物》)是欧·亨利的经典短篇小说,中英文对照需关注语言转换细节与文化背景适配。以下是
小说名“The Gift of the Magi”,翻译成《麦琪的礼物》容易引发误解;翻译成《圣诞礼物》略显寡淡;翻译为《贤者的礼物》会让中国读者莫名其妙,文化差异竟让这个翻译变得如此困难。 有一个结合情节的翻译,大家看看合不合适,叫《“无用”的礼物》,大家有什么好的翻译呢?...