加里·查普曼博士(Gary Chapman)在30多年的男女关系研究中发现,人们感受爱和表达爱的方式大概有5种,统称为爱5种语言的: 1) 肯定言语 (Words of Affirmation):通过口头感情,赞美或欣赏来表达感情。 2) 服务行为 (Acts of Service):通常是您可以做的一些小事情,以帮助缓解其他人的责任负担。比如给在TA被各种...
I love you. I care about you, and I choose to forgive you. Even though my feeling of hurt may linger, I will not allow what has happened to come between us. I hope that we can learn from this experience. You are not a failure because you have failed. You are my spouse, and tog...
Anyhoo, have you heard of this book called The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts? It’s an international best-seller written by Dr. Gary Chapman who outlines five ways to express and experience love. Dr. Chapman calls them “love languages” and the five languages are: gift...
Chapman经过30年的婚姻咨询,发现 “使一个人感觉到被爱的事物,并不一定能让另一个人感觉到被爱。”这让他思考,那些觉得自己不被爱的人,究竟想要什么。他发现这些人的回答可以分为五类,他称之为爱的五种语言:爱语1:肯定的言词 (Words of Affirmation)心理学家威廉·詹姆斯说过,人类最深处的需要,就是感觉被...
The Five Languages of Love 一steph 二Kristen 我觉得这对是真的非常非常重视quality time 印象最深的就是图四在新西兰的时候,k一过去s马上就把手机放下了。还有s生日vlog那次,从一个湖边小屋到另一个湖边小...
内容提示: The Five Love Languages By Gary Chapman o The desire for romantic love in marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup. o We must be willing to learn our spouse’s primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of love. o People speak different love ...
The Five Love Languages的书评。爱的语言有五种: 第一种:肯定的言语(Words of Affirmation),如赞美、鼓励。最好是简单直接;要用好词;语音语调要正面;注意说活的方式。 第二种:优质时间(Quality Time)。两个人一起做某事,在做这件事的时...
The Five Love Languages 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Married more than 45 years to Karolyn, Dr. Gary Chapman is just the man to turn to for help on improving or healing our most important relationships. His own life experiences, plus over forty years of pastoring and marriage counse...
After the wedding:不同的语言的人难以沟通。重要的是love language的了解运用,才能明白对方表达需求的方式。 Romantic obsession:退却之后,生活中不停的琐碎和摩擦。in-love experience给人euphoria,给双方have arrived的感觉,但不带来成长。爱是更深层次的,是明知这些... (展开) 0回应 阿皮...
The five love languages describe five ways that people receive andexpress lovein a relationship. These are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. Knowing your partner's love language and letting them know yours is a way to help you both feel...