加里·查普曼博士(Gary Chapman)在30多年的男女关系研究中发现,人们感受爱和表达爱的方式大概有5种,统称为爱5种语言的: 1) 肯定言语 (Words of Affirmation):通过口头感情,赞美或欣赏来表达感情。 2) 服务行为 (Acts of Service):通常是您可以做的一些小事情,以帮助缓解其他人的责任负担。比如给在TA被各种...
The essential companion book for #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages(R) You want to be able to love effectively and truly feel loved in return. The 5 Love Languages(R) workbook provides the sure steps to meaningful, relational connection. This workbook provides lessons--designed...
Chapman经过30年的婚姻咨询,发现 “使一个人感觉到被爱的事物,并不一定能让另一个人感觉到被爱。”这让他思考,那些觉得自己不被爱的人,究竟想要什么。他发现这些人的回答可以分为五类,他称之为爱的五种语言:爱语1:肯定的言词 (Words of Affirmation)心理学家威廉·詹姆斯说过,人类最深处的需要,就是感觉被...
Dr.Gary Chapman,牧师,同时也是美国非常著名的婚恋专家。由他撰写的The five love languages畅销全球,很有幸,在我还算年轻的时候,读了他的书,不至于后半辈子再为相处之道或似水年华而困扰。尽管书中很多内容是我自己也领悟过的,但从不曾认真系统的归纳。 对于所谓畅销书... (展开) ...
为什么会出现这种情况呀?这就是我今天要介绍的这本 《The Five Love Languages 爱的五种语言》所要回答和解决的问题。作者Dr. Gary Chapman是美国著名的婚姻辅导专家。他认为,如同世界各地的人讲着不同的语言那样,人们也说着不同的爱的语言。每个人从小的成长经历,让他有一种主要的爱的语言,就像我们的母语。如...
The Book in Three Sentences People speak different love languages After many years of marriage counseling, Chapman’s conclusion is that there are five emotional love languages—five ways that people speak and understand emotional love. Chapman believes that once you identify and learn to speak your...
For more information, visit his website at www.5lovelanguages.com.Endorsements My wife Stevie and I had a good marriage, but understanding the five love languages made it even better. I wish every husband would read this book.-Darrell Waltrip, Broadcast Analyst, FOX Sports; 3 time NASCAR ...
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love--that's the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? In the #1New York Timesinternational bestsellerThe 5 Love Languages(R), you'll discover the secret tha...
The new edition of 'The 5 Love Languages' came out June 1 and comes with updated text, worksheets, quizzes and the 'Love Language Assessment' quiz.
Anyhoo, have you heard of this book called The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts? It’s an international best-seller written by Dr. Gary Chapman who outlines five ways to express and experience love. Dr. Chapman calls them “love languages” and the five languages are: gift...