The 5 Love Languages 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch. 评分☆☆☆ Easy read。很有意思的对婚姻关系的看法。虽然我觉得和杨老师的关系一直都很好,但读过这本书也觉得有所收获。两个人对于彼此的行为有了更多的理解...
another sign that people have different primary love languages. If receiving gifts is my primary love language, I will place great value on the ring you have given me and I will wear it with great pride. I will also be greatly moved emotionally by other gifts that you give through th...
内容提示: 《爱的五种语言》(The Five Love Languages: How to ExpressHeartfelt Commitment to Your Mate) 单词统计本文档为《爱的五种语言》(The Five Love Lan-guages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitmentto Your Mate)[作者: 盖瑞·查普曼] 一书的单词统计。按章节顺序统计所有的生词,且严格按照单词在...
内容提示: The Five Love Languages By Gary Chapman o The desire for romantic love in marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup. o We must be willing to learn our spouse’s primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of love. o People speak different love ...
The Five Love Languages 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Married more than 45 years to Karolyn, Dr. Gary Chapman is just the man to turn to for help on improving or healing our most important relationships. His own life experiences, plus over forty years of pastoring and marriage counse...
But, before that, learn “The 5 Love Languages”! About Gary Chapman Gary Chapmanis a “New York Times” bestselling author and love/marriage counselor. He is most famous for his “Five Languages of Love” series of books, which, in addition to the original 1995 work, includes “The 5...
WARNING: Understanding the five love languages and learning to speak the primary love language of your spouse may radically affect his or her behavior. People behave differently when their emotional love tanks are full. 一个人是不会改变的,除非他感受到爱。 表达爱的基本语言有五种: 1.Words of ...
cannotnowdenythenamelovetoNeed-love.Everytime IhavetriedtothinkthethingoutalongthoselinesI haveendedinpuzzlesandcontradictions.Therealityis morecomplicatedthanIsupposed. Firstofall,wedoviolencetomostlanguages, includingourown,ifwedonotcallNeed-love"love".Of ...
Most languages have ways beyond words to express yourself. The same goes for love: There are different ways to show it. Here are five Chapman describes: Words of Affirmation. Words of praise and encouragement are a powerful way to share love for someone. To speak this language, you give ve...
The chapters about each of the 5 love languages were interesting in the same way I find stuff about the enneagram or birth order interesting。 However, the last 50 pages or so just weren't it and I worry that someone in an abusive relationship could read them and blame...