gitclone YOUR-INSTALL-DIR #minimap2的配置参照官网 #建议移除包带的minimap2,为已有的minimap2创建软链接rm-rf /home/liuxin/tgsgapcloser/minimap2 conda install -c bioconda minimap2ln-s /home/liuxin/miniconda3/bin/minimap2 /home/liuxin/tgsgapcloser/mi...
TGS-gapcloser 是华大基因开发的,一个利用其他组装或是长度长测序数据对草图进行gap填充的一款软件。 1. 安装 下载 git clone 如果已经安装了minimap2软件,在此次软链接一下软件地址 rm -rf TGS-GapCloser/minimap2 ln -s MINIMAP2所在文件夹 TGS-GapCloser/ ...
If you use TGS-GapCloser in your work, please cite: TGS-GapCloser: A fast and accurate gap closer for large genomes with low coverage of error-prone long reads Mengyang Xu, Lidong Guo, Shengqiang Gu, Ou Wang, Rui Zhang, Brock A Peters, Guangyi Fan, Xin Liu, Xun Xu, Li Deng, Yongwe...
We developed a software tool, TGS-GapCloser that uses low depth (>=10X) single-molecule long sequencing reads without any error correction to close gaps. The algorithm distinguishes gap regions from the alignments of long reads against original scaffolds, corrects only the candidate regio...
TGS-GapCloser can close gaps in large genome assemblies using raw long reads quickly and cost-effectively. The final assemblies generated by TGS-GapCloser have improved contiguity and completeness while maintaining high accuracy. The software is available at
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(99.999%) single-base accuracy with only 11.8% decrement to inputs. This tool could complete more gaps, and is also ~29-fold faster than mainstream gap-closing tools. BUSCO analysis revealed that 3.4%-13.1% more expected genes were complete. TGS-GapCloser also shows its power t...