conda create -n tgsgapcloser | conda acitvate tgsgapcloser #先安装依赖包minimap2 conda install -c bioconda minimap2 #安装tgsgapcloser conda install -c bioconda tgsgapcloser #测试,显示manual即为安装成功 tgsgapcloser -h 二、查看使用说明 以下参数说明相当清楚,看Example时有不懂可以参考下表。需要注意...
TGS-gapcloser 是华大基因开发的,一个利用其他组装或是长度长测序数据对草图进行gap填充的一款软件。 基因组组装过程中会得到草图的scaffold,需要进一步进行gaps的关闭。TGS-gapcloser 是华大基因开发的,一个利用其他组装或是长度长测序数据对草图进行gap填充的一款软件。 1. 安装 下载 git clone
If you use TGS-GapCloser in your work, please cite: TGS-GapCloser: A fast and accurate gap closer for large genomes with low coverage of error-prone long reads Mengyang Xu, Lidong Guo, Shengqiang Gu, Ou Wang, Rui Zhang, Brock A Peters, Guangyi Fan, Xin Liu, Xun Xu, Li Deng, Yongwe...
Home Resource Centre TGS-GapCloser: fast and accurately passing through the Bermuda in large genome using error-prone third-generation long reads Return to Resources The completeness and accuracy of genome assemblies determine the quality of subsequent bioinformatics analysis. Despite benefiting...
We demonstrate that TGS-GapCloser improves the contig N50 value of draft assembly by 25-fold on average, updating above 90% gaps with 93.96% positive predictive value. Despite of high error rate of raw long reads, improved assemblies archive Q50 (99.999%) single-base accuracy with only 11.8%...
TGS-GapCloser can close gaps in large genome assemblies using raw long reads quickly and cost-effectively. The final assemblies generated by TGS-GapCloser have improved contiguity and completeness while maintaining high accuracy. The software is available at
Hello author, I am using TGS_GapCloser on my 1.7G Pacbio genome assembly but there is some unexpected error that happened before the pilon step, according to my experience there is a problem in a sorted file, which can not proceed for fu...