The transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1) signaling pathway is a fundamental pathway in the living cell, which plays a role in many central cellular processes. The TGF-β superfamily contains over 30 different proteins, such as BMPs, Activins, Inhibins, and the TGF-β1 isoforms [1–...
Subsequently, expression of two genes enriched in TGF-beta family was downregulated in DEX-induced osteoporosis cells. These results indicated that CCNA1 may suppress TGF-beta signaling pathway in osteoporosis. Furthermore, the TGF-beta signaling pathway inhibitor LY2109761 significantly suppressed ...
The resulting intracellular purple formazan was solubilized using dimethyl sulfoxide and measured its absorbance on a plate reader at 570, measure also at 650 nm as reference wavelength, using a Gen5 microplate reader (BioTek); calculate the signal sample as OD570 minus OD650. Quantitative ...
It is now widely recognized that induction of CD103 on activated CD8+T lymphocytes and persistence of CD103+CD8+TRMin epithelial tissues requires transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β). TGF-β is important for tissue remodelling and repair at sites of inflammation20, but is also an immunosupp...
Primary mouse T cells were activated as described above, minus and plus 100 pM TGF-β for 15 hr. ChIP assays were performed as previously described (Seoane et al., 2002). The antibodies utilized were antiSmad 2/3, antiATF1 (Santa Cruz), and antiCREB (Cell Signaling). The GzmB primer...
“FMO” in (A) and (C) indicates fluorescence minus one control. To assess whether loss of IL-7R expression triggered the CD4+ T cell homeostasis defect in the absence of TGF-βRII, we generated IL-7Rα transgenic TGF-βRII-deficient OT-II mice on a Rag1−/− background. As ...
thyroid eye disease; HC, healthy control; IHC, immunohistochemistry, TED-OFs, OFs derived from patients with TED; HC-OFs, OFs derived from HC donors; WB, western blot analysis; TGF-β1, transforming growth factor-beta 1; FMO, fluorescence minus one; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogen...
Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1) has been proposed to be the major regulator in inducing EMT and renal fibrosis [4], mainly via the TGF-β/Smads signal transduction pathway [5]. Despite EMT contributes to the disease progression, several studies have suggested that EMT of the ...
(n = 5).dNaive CD4+T cells fromTgfb1fl/flIl17aCreR26YFPor wild-type (WT,Il17aCreR26YFPorTgfb1fl/+Il17aCreR26YFP) mice were differentiated into Th17 cells and analyzed for the expression of LAP. Representative histogram and gMFIs of LAP in fluorescence minus one (FMO) control and ...
While TGF-β signaling is essential for microglial function, the cellular source of TGF-β1 ligand and its spatial regulation remains unclear in the adult CNS. Our data supports that microglia but not astrocytes or neurons are the primary producers of TG