转录因子结合位点(Transcription Factor Binding Sites, TFBS)是生物化学与分子生物学领域中的一个核心概念,它指的是DNA序列上与转录因子特异性结合的区段。这些位点通常位于基因的启动子区域或转录起始位点附近,是转录因子识别和结合的关键部位。TFBS作为基因调控网络中的重要组成部分,其存在与功能对于...
网络转录因子结合位点(Transcription Factor Binding Sites);结合位点(transcription factor binding site);转录因子结合位置(Transcript Factor Binding Site) 网络释义 1. 转录因子结合位点(Transcription Factor Binding Sites) 这些数据包括转录因子结合位点(TFBS),重复序列,CpG岛等都已经被普遍认为与基因功能相关的信息。
某度百科中是这么介绍的:转录因子结合位点(Transcription factor binding site,TFBS)是与转录因子结合的DNA片段,长度通常在5~20 bp范围内,一个转录因子往往同时调控若干个基因,而它在不同基因上的结合位点具有一定的保守性,又不完全相同。 好了,接下来我们看如何预测整个物种的转录因子和转录因子结合位点。 首先介绍...
TFBSTools是一个用于转录因子结合位点(TFBS)分析的工具包,它提供了一系列功能强大的工具和算法,用于预测和分析基因组中的转录因子结合位点。 TFBS(Transcription Factor Binding Site)是指转录因子与DNA上的特定序列结合的区域。转录因子是调控基因表达的关键蛋白质,它们通过与DNA上的TFBS结合来调控基因的转录活性。 使用...
Transcription factor binding site (TFBS, transcription factor address site, transcription factor recognition element, transcription factor recognition site)doi:10.1002/9783527678679.dg13498John M. HancockJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
TFBSPred main page (A) Organism selection and gene/genetic coordinates fields are shown. NFKB1 is selected through the autocompletion results. (B) The TSS selection screen of the NFKB1 input gene. The first TSS in the table is selected. TFBS, transcription factor binding site; TSS, transcr...
TFBSToolsis a package for the analysis and manipulation of transcription factor binding sites and transcription factor profile matrices. Advertisement ::DEVELOPER Computational Regulatory Genomics :: SCREENSHOTS N/A :: REQUIREMENTS Linux / Windows/ MacOsX ...
Software Package for Transcription Factor Binding Site (TFBS) Analysis Installation of the stable version ofTFBSToolsfrom Bioconductor if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager",quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")BiocManager::install("TFBSTools") ...
Discover transcription factor (TF) binding specificities/sites (TFBS) using binding site motif sequence and structural information. - akshayparopkari/discover_tfbs
To Ensembl funcgen-derived data, which include data from ENCODE, we add information on conserved non-coding (putative regulatory) sequences, and on genome-wide occurrence of transcription factor binding site motifs from the current versions of two major motif libraries, namely, Jaspar and Transfac...