nextlevel <mapname> - Sets the next map to be played. rcon <command> - Executes an rcon command. rcon_address <ip address> - Sets the server address to send rcon commands to (if not set, console sends the command to the server that the player is currently in instead) phys_pushscale...
bind <key> <command> - 将某个键绑定成特定命令 bind <key> - 显示这个键绑定的命令 unbind <key> - 取消绑定这个键 unbindall – 取消绑定所有的键 dropitem – 丢下情报箱. kill – 自杀 explode – 爆炸自杀 +attack – 让玩家不断地进行“按左键”动作 (跟 M1一样) (-attack 会关闭) +attack...
Improved main menu keyboard/gamepad navigation (boba) Improved bot_teleport console command (angles optional, placed where crosshair is pointing when no position provided) Updated Death & Taxes achievement icons (Hunter R. Thompson) Coilgun's charging loop sound can now be customized using sound_spec...
Respects tf_bot_force_class value Added cl_load_custom_item_schema command: Allows loading any item schema on demand Takes the file name of the item schema as an argument. Please note that the file has to be present inside a /maps folder Not compatible with cl_reload_item_schema; reuse ...
I try to convert Mobilenet model was retrained with TF2 to OpenVino model. I use the "SavedModel" loading for loading the TF model with this command: "python --framework tf --saved_model_dir <Path to model>\model --model_name ir_1 --output_dir <Path to model>\Out" and I...
Below is the error and command while conversion:- python3 --saved_model_dir '/home/it/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow/workspace/training_demo/exported-models/new_ssd_model_300/saved_model' --transformations_config 'extensions/front/tf/ssd_support_api_v2.0.json' --t...
Can you post the command you used to export the TFLite-friendly SavedModel using export_tflite_graph_tf2? Running "Step 2: Convert to TFLite", is the pain in the ass. I managed to convert the model generated in the step 1 into .tflite without any quantization following the given ...
Configure the NGC CLI using the following command ngc config set To view all the backbones that are supported by object detection architecture in TAO: ngc registry model list nvidia/tao/pretrained_efficientdet_tf2:* To download the model: ngc registry model download-version nvidia/tao/pret...
Sample Command for a Classification TF1/TF2/PyT Model To generate an .onnx file for Classification TF1/TF2/PyT, refer to the Classification documentation. You can also refer to the Classification TAO-Deploy documentation for instructions on generating an INT8 calibration file. Copy Copied! trtexec...
TensorRT engine generation can take some time depending on size of the model and type of hardware. Engine generation can be done ahead of time with Option 2: TAO Deploy is used to convert the .etlt file to TensorRT; this file is then provided directly to DeepStream. The TAO Deploy ...