Shortstop Changed: Reload Speed penalty reduced, now reloading at the same speed as a regular Scatter gun Crit-a-Cola Changed: Now grants full Crits rather than Mini-Crits Candy Cane Added: Drops a small health kit on a successful hit Fan O'War Added: Drains 5% of enemy 'Rage' mete...
Takes the file name of the item schema as an argument. Please note that the file has to be present inside a /maps folder Not compatible with cl_reload_item_schema; reuse the command to reload Added cl_print_item_schema_items and cl_print_item_schema_attributes Prints names and IDs for ...
Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_fire_remastered.wav Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_fire_remastered_crit.wav Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav...
Added: team fortress 2 beta content3.gcf/tf_beta/sound/weapons/dumpster_rocket_reload.wav Added: team fortress 2 beta content3.gcf/tf_beta/sound/weapons/dumpster_rocket_reload_fp.wav Added: team fortress 2 beta content3.gcf/tf_beta/sound/weapons/rainblower/rainblower_end.wav Added: team fo...
...that when you reload the Pistol as a Scout, the animation in the first-person view differs from the one in third-person view? ...that the first spoken reference to an opposing team was made by the BLU Soldier in Meet the Sandvich? ...that in Meet the Scout, the Scout reloads ...
241 reload time increased hidden 装弹速度减慢 %s1% percentage mult_reload_time_hidden 已隐藏 242 mod medic killed marked for death 当治疗你的医生被杀时 杀他的敌人将被打上死亡标记 additive medic_killed_marked_for_death 未使用 243 mod rage on hit penalty 击中后丢失 %s1% 的怒气 additive...
307 mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY 不需重裝彈藥 additive mod_no_reload_display_only 308 sniper penetrate players when charged 充電全滿:子彈能貫穿玩家 additive sniper_penetrate_players_when_charged 309 crit kill will gib 用爆擊揍死敵人的話,會將他的身體支解掉。很痛的。 additive crit_kill_will_...
307 mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY No reload necessary additive mod_no_reload_display_only 308 sniper penetrate players when charged On Full Charge: Projectiles penetrate players additive sniper_penetrate_players_when_charged 309 crit kill will gib Killing an enemy with a critical hit will dismember...
4x reload speed;2x airblast refire rate;5x Flare Gun, Detonator, and Scorch Shot refire rate;2x Manmelter refire rate;2.5x Huntsman refire rate;Double clip size and max ammo count;Movement speed increased by 30%;Stickybombs arm 2x faster;2x ÜberCharge gain and heal rate;Sniper rifles ...
Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_fire_remastered.wav Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_fire_remastered_crit.wav Added:team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/sound/weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav...