Bout the item information bar on the right of various pages. I noticed we recently changed it so when you scroll down it comes down with you. Now im not saying its a bad idea, im just saying its really distracting, and prehaps it was better the old way.--The preceding unsigned commen...
Switched back to old Spy-cicle meter The HUD should be usable now. It was a big update and there's still some things to fix.ToonHUD 6.52 (05/25/2015)Redesigned Robot Destruction HUD again :DToonHUD 6.5 (05/24/2015)Updated and redesigned Robot Destruction HUD Added fire resist indicator ...
A term for Spy players who use the Ambassador a lot, if not exclusively. Amputation Station A Medic standing in one place and taunting with the Amputator. Anger/Anger Sniper A term for a Sniper, who wears the Anger cosmetic, who acts as a Tryhard. They are often seen killing friendly ...
The "Hidden" can use the "Boo" ability by pressing the reload key (default key: R); this makes players stunned. The "Hidden" can throw his grenades by pressing the Medic Call-out key (default key: E); this throws a small radius grenade. Players on the opposing team of the Spy have...
...that when the Engineer reloads his Pistol, he inserts the magazine backwards? ...that by healing an enemy Spy, a Medic can get a teamkill assist? ...that the Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher, invented many of the Engineer's weapons after receiving one hundred pounds of Austral...
It may be adequate to describe that the Spy can reload his fake weapon, but it leaves much up to imagination. The Electro-sapper video directly shows the separate animations in order to demonstrate another technical mechanic of placing a sapper while disguised....
SpyMaskDisguise Kit. Weapons [collapse] v•d•e List of weapons with bodygroup ClassSlotWeaponGroup nameUse Pyro Secondary ShellThe projectile Flare GunDetonator Scorch Shot Demoman Primary ReloadThe projectile Grenade LauncherLoch-n-Load
Spycrab_Limbo: an emolation of Limbo Dance, you need to do Spycrab and get over the beam laser for win.MadGear: An emulation of an old arcade game called "Mad Gear" by Capcom.Shark: The mod select a random player and turn it into a Pyroshark and need to kill atlast 3 players,...
(reload fills loaded ammo in single, one-time animation, such as theRevolver) or sequential reloading (reloads ammo from reserve one at a time, such as theShotgun). Reloading can be interrupted at any time by attacking or changing weapons, though time spent reloading (beyond the last ...
In the same way that the Sticky Launcher's reload animation doesn't show any new ammunition being added to the weapon, it's considered reloading as it's when the ammo counter at the bottom-right is increased. » Cooper Kid (blether) • (contreebs) 01:55, 13 July 2012 (PDT) ...