Example 1: Running a docker container Assuming you have the AWS provider set up: module "my_host" { # Available inputs: https://github.com/futurice/terraform-utils/tree/master/aws_ec2_ebs_docker_host#inputs # Check for updates: https://github.com/futurice/terraform-utils/compare/v11.0.....
Repository files navigation README MIT license example-hub This is an example Terraform config creating a hub in a hub and spoke topology. As an example repo for learning purposed then you are encouraged to copy any of the Terraform from it, or fork it and make your own changes. It is ...
建议添加 example 目录,存放该模块引入和使用示例。您可参考examples进行添加。 发布Module 1.登录registry.terraform.io,选择页面右上角的Publish,并在下拉列表中单击Module。如下图所示: 2.在页面中展开 “Select Repository on GitHub” 下拉列表,可在列表中查看个人账户下有管理权限的 Modules 仓库,选择...
NOTE: This example does not currently have an option for the free tier of Terraform Cloud. It is dependent on being able to create Teams and API Tokens for teams. Installation Fork the repository. This is important as you need to be able to run the GitHu...
description = "An example of a map in Terraform" type = "map" default = { key1 = "value1" key2 = "value2" key3 = "value3" } } # 如果不指定类型,默认是字符串 variable "server_port" { description = "The port the server will use for HTTP requests" ...
对于这款工具的实现原理,个人理解是,通过调用不同的云厂商提供的SDK,来进行调用,这就跟自己用awsboto3这个库来进行调用aws服务一样。 在Github中搜索terraform可以看到一个官方提供的aws插件 在names.go中可以看到这里import了很多aws的sdk,那么就跟之前想的差不多了,相当于在实现原理上调用了SDK...
'GitHub''LocalGit''None''OneDrive''Tfs''VSO''VSTSRM' tracingOptions 追蹤選項。 字串 use32BitWorkerProcess <程式代碼>true 使用 32 位背景工作進程;否則,<程式代碼>false。 bool virtualApplications 虛擬應用程式。 VirtualApplication[] vnetName 虛擬網路名稱。 字串 vnetPrivatePortsCount 指派給此應用程式...
Join the GitHub repository to make feature requests, report issues, and contribute. Enterprise-ready Streamline operations and provision any infrastructure more securely and efficiently with Terraform Enterprise. Centralize infrastructure deployment within one workflow and provision, govern, and audit any ...
'GitHub''LocalGit''None''OneDrive''Tfs''VSO''VSTSRM' tracingOptions 追蹤選項。 字串 use32BitWorkerProcess <程式代碼>true 使用 32 位背景工作進程;否則,<程式代碼>false。 bool virtualApplications 虛擬應用程式。 VirtualApplication[] vnetName 虛擬網路名稱。 字串 vnetPrivatePortsCount 指派給此應用程式...
Join the GitHub repository to make feature requests, report issues, and contribute. Enterprise-ready Streamline operations and provision any infrastructure more securely and efficiently with Terraform Enterprise. Centralize infrastructure deployment within one workflow and provision, govern, and audit any ...