- uses: actions/github-script@v6 if: github.event_name=='pull_request' with: script:| const output=`### Terraform Format and Style \`${{ steps.fmt.outcome }}\` ### Terraform Initialization \`${{ steps.init.outcome }}\` ##
使用 GitHub Actions 集成 Terraform,可以实现自动化部署,提高部署的效率和可靠性。 与GitHub 集成:GitHub 是一个广泛使用的代码托管平台,提供了许多与代码管理和协作相关的功能。通过 GitHub Actions 集成 Terraform,可以直接与 GitHub 仓库进行集成,帮助开发者更好地管理代码和部署过程。 综上所述,GitHub Actions 集成...
GitHub Actions 是 GitHub 的一项功能,可自动执行存储库的工作流程。工作流程在 YAML 文件中定义,可以由各种事件触发,例如推送、拉取请求等。GitHub Actions 提供了一种强大而灵活的方式来自动执行任务,包括构建、测试和部署代码。 使用GitHub 操作的一个主要好处是 GitHub 上提供的由开源社区支持的工作流程快速启动并...
Ned Bellavance 重新展示如何使用 GitHub Actions 在 GitOps 工作流中正确检查 Terraform 代码! 章节 00:00 - DevOpsLab 开始 00:27 - 欢迎 Ned 02:07 - 查看工作流 03:35 - 更新的工作流 04:42 - 桥手检查ov 是什么 05:54 - 运行 Terraform 格式 07:21 - 验证代码
Works withGithub Actions,Atlantis, orSpacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Quick Start Usage This module is primarily for setting security group rules on a security group. You can provide the ID of an existing security group to modify, or, by default, this module will create a...
0.12.13tf_actions_subcommand:'plan'tf_actions_working_dir:'terraform'tf_actions_comment:true-name:Terraform Applyif:github.ref=='refs/heads/master'&&github.event_name=='push'uses:hashicorp/terraform-github-actions@masterwith:tf_actions_version:0.12.13tf_actions_subcommand:'apply'tf_actions_working...
👽 Use Atmos with Terraform Cloud Posse uses atmos to easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works with Github Actions, Atlantis, or Spacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Example of running atmos to manage infrastructure from our Quick Start tutorial.Usage...
Works withGithub Actions,Atlantis, orSpacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Example of runningatmosto manage infrastructure from ourQuick Starttutorial. Usage module"metric_configs"{source="cloudposse/config/yaml"#Cloud Posse recommends pinning every module to a specific version#version =...
👽 Use Atmos with Terraform Cloud Posse uses atmos to easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works with Github Actions, Atlantis, or Spacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Example of running atmos to manage infrastructure from our Quick Start tutorial.Usage...
With GITHUB_ACTIONS set to true, write tenv directory location to GITHUB_PATH. This command can be used when one of the managed tool is already installed on your system and hide the corresponding proxy (in that case which tenv and which <tool> will indicate different locations). The ...