通过 GitHub Actions 集成 Terraform,可以直接与 GitHub 仓库进行集成,帮助开发者更好地管理代码和部署过程。 综上所述,GitHub Actions 集成 Terraform 方案的背景主要是基础设施即代码、DevOps 原则、自动化部署和与 GitHub 集成等方面的需求和趋势。这种方案可以帮助开发者更好地管理基础设施和应用程序,提高开发效率和...
您可以在项目中的 actions 选项处单击New workflow,也可以在.github/workflows/目录里通过添加 yml 文件创建,流水线配置详情可以参考相关操作。 检查流水线 1.Terraform 根模块资源不能过多。同理,在执行检查的时候也应该尽可能的避免全部资源的读取,需要以细粒度的方式触发检查。
K8s Controller[1]: 用于 GitHub Actions 自托管运行器的 Kubernetes 控制器 Terraform[2]: 使用 Terraform 和 AWS Lambda 自动伸缩 AWS EC2 作为 GitHub Runner Github[3]: 目前仅对 GitHub Team 和 Enterprise 组织开放的付费 Larger Runners 服务 Cirun[4]: 自动伸缩 AWS/GCP/AZURE/OpenStack 等云平台的 VM...
Cloud Posse usesatmosto easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works withGithub Actions,Atlantis, orSpacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Example of runningatmosto manage infrastructure from ourQuick Starttutorial.
Folders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History2 Commits env/dev global/backend modules README.md Repository files navigation README terraform-huaweicloud 华为云实践 文档: https://www.yuque.com/zeyangli/tf/huaweiAbout...
Cloud Posse usesatmosto easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works withGithub Actions,Atlantis, orSpacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Usage Here is how to use this provider in your own Terraform code: terraform{required_providers{ utils={ source="cloudposse/utils...
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1 # Install the preferred version of Terraform CLI - name: Setup Terraform uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2.0.3 with: terraform_version: 1.6.6 ``` The next step in the workflow is initialising Terraform within the runner. The Terraform init command prepares the...
Terraform module to create AWS Security Group and rules. Tip 👽 Use Atmos with Terraform Cloud Posse usesatmosto easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works withGithub Actions,Atlantis, orSpacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform ...
Terraform module for named subnets provisioning.Tip 👽 Use Atmos with Terraform Cloud Posse uses atmos to easily orchestrate multiple environments using Terraform. Works with Github Actions, Atlantis, or Spacelift. Watch demo of using Atmos with Terraform Example of running atmos to manage ...
Install the CloudAMQP Terraform Provider From Terraform Registry The CloudAMQP provider is available from the registry athttps://registry.terraform.io/providers/cloudamqp/cloudamqp If you are using Terraform 0.13+: terraform {required_providers {cloudamqp = {source = "cloudamqp/cloudamqp"}}} ...