This book is the fastest way to get up and running with Terraform, an open source tool that allows you to manage your infrastructure as code across a variety of cloud providers. Gruntwork的使命是能够10倍地简化软件的开发和部署工作。 为什么使用Terraform 软件交付(software delivery)是指通过一系列工作使代码最终对客户“可见、可用”的过程,例如,将代码运行在生产服务器之上,使代码能够应对数据流量的激增和意外停机中断,保护代码免...
我们将Terraform作为核心工具,创建了包含30万行代码的可重复使用的模块库,这些基础设施代码经受了数百家公司生产环境的实战检验 第1章 为什么使用Terraform DevOps 的崛起 软件只有最终交付给用户才标志着项目的结束 软件交付(softwaredelivery)是指通过一系列工作使...
With IAP enabled, all requests to Atlantis will be protected, except for those made to the/eventspath, which is used for webhooks between platforms such as GitHub and BitBucket. To grant a user access to your IAP-protected Atlantis deployment, you will need to give them theroles/iap.https...
Next, usingGit, clone this repository into$GOPATH/src/ You'll need to runmake toolsto install some required tools, thenmake. This will compile the code and then run the tests. If this exits with exit status 0, then everything is working! You only need to ...
Deploy to Oracle Cloud Go to GitHubRapid delivery of software is important for efficiently running your applications in the cloud. Jenkins is a popular product for automating the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for workloads in Oracle Cloud. You can host Jenkins on...
In this example, we first build and package a Spring Boot application using Gradle. You can import the full build definition fromGitHubrepository or create a Java Gradle project from scratch by following steps provided in documentation “Build your Java app with Gradle.” ...
Fork the repository. This is important as you need to be able to run the GitHub Actions in your organisation. Clone it locally. Follow the quickstart. Quickstart There are a few manual steps to get this demo up and running. Please note that this demo is ...
Create a pipeline to analyze various data and logs of applications running across different environments like Google Cloud, other clouds and on-premises You can choose whether to deploy your solution through the console directly or download as Terraform on GitHub to deploy later. Architecture A web...
Extreme caution must be taken during the upgrade to avoid resource replacement and downtime by accident. Running the terraform plan first to inspect the plan is strongly advised. Notice on Upgrade to V3.x We've added a CI pipeline for this module to speed up our code review and to ...