Sometimes you need to have a way to create S3 resources conditionally but Terraform does not allow to use count inside module block, so the solution is to specify argument create_bucket. # This S3 bucket will not be created module "s3_bucket" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/...
The issue here is that Terraform is initiating API called that are not needed to “create a bucket then enable bucket encryption on that bucket”. If you try to do so using awscli with “–debug” you won’t see any of those API calls mentioned in ...
AWS Service Catalog 提供了一个示例simple-s3-bucket.tar.gz配置文件供您在本教程中使用。 配置文件概述 示例配置的文本如下: variable"bucket_name"{type = string } provider"aws"{} resource"aws_s3_bucket""bucket"{bucket = var.bucket_name } output regional_domain_name{value = aws_s3_bucket.bucket...
Terraform的awss3bucket模块用于创建Amazon S3存储桶。此模块允许您定义S3存储桶的属性,如名称、位置、访问权限等。此外,该模块还支持IAM用户配置,允许您为外部CI/CD系统创建具有特定权限的IAM用户。通过使用此模块,您可以方便地管理S3存储桶及其IAM用户,以适应您的云环境和安全需求。
s3_server = "localhost:9000" s3_access_key = "dalongdemo" s3_secret_key = "dalongdemo" s3_api_signature = "v4" s3_ssl = false s3_debug = true } resource "s3_bucket" "bucket_create" { bucket = "s3page" } resource "s3_file" "upload_index_page" { ...
Terraform基于AWS Go SDK进行构建,采用HashiCorp配置语言(HCL)对资源进行编排,具体的说就是可以用代码来管理维护IT资源,比如针对AWS,我们可以用它创建、修改或删除 S3 Bucket、Lambda,、EC2、Kinesis、VPC等各种资源。并且在真正运行之前可以看到执行计划(即干运行-dryrun)。由于状态保存到文件中,因此能够离线方式查看资...
* aws-cli 2.7.7 使用Terraform创建GKE Code Snippet 准备一个GCS bucket 存放 terraform 状态文件 # valid LOCATION values are `asia`, `eu` or `us` gsutil mb -l $LOCATION gs://$BUCKET_NAME gsutil versioning set on gs://$BUCKET_NAME ...
command = "aws" } } } 状态文件不保存在本地,保存到s3存储桶中 terraform { required_version = ">=0.12.0" backend "s3" { region = "ap-northeast-2" profile = "default" key = "terraform/ekslbterraformstatefile" bucket = "soul-cloudsway" ...
s3 terraform 操作 添加了依赖处理以及一个简单静态web 页面部署 provider"s3"{ s3_server ="localhost:9000"s3_access_key ="dalongdemo"s3_secret_key ="dalongdemo"s3_api_signature ="v4"s3_ssl =falses3_debug =true} resource"s3_bucket""bucket_create"{ ...
第二步,通过Terraform提供的data.aws_s3_bucket_objects获取Glue脚本在s3上的存放路径。 data "aws_s3_bucket_objects" "glue_job_objects_for_people_mdm_staging" { for_each = local.job_path_prefix bucket = local.bucket_name prefix = "${local.line_of_bus...