terraform-aws-s3-bucketThis module creates an S3 bucket with support for versioning, lifecycles, object locks, replication, encryption, ACL, bucket object policies, and static website hosting.For backward compatibility, it sets the S3 bucket ACL to private and the s3_object_ownership to ...
与AWS S3的兼容性 本文介绍网宿对象存储和AWS S3接口的兼容性和差异。 兼容的S3接口 Service操作 接口接口介绍 GetService获取用户的所有存储空间 Bucket操作 接口接口介绍 GetBucket(ListObjectV1)列举存储空间下的对象(V1版本) HeadBucket可用于校验存储空间是否存在 ...
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my_bucket" { bucket = "terraform-bucket-name" Then you have to import it into Terraform's state: terraform import aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket terraform-bucket-name Afterwards, terraform plan will show you the differences between the real world and your code, which ...
本文架构部署使用Terraform一键部署AWS 资源, 请在本机安装Terraform, 并配置好AWS Credentials Terraform 可以将信息存储在 S3 和 DynamoDB 中,创建用于存储 Terraform 状态的 S3 Bucket和 DynamoDB Table(由于使用的很少,DynamoDB 建议使用 On-Demand 收费方式), 该 DynamoDB 的 primary key 必须为 LockID,类型为...
Terraform基于AWS Go SDK进行构建,采用HashiCorp配置语言(HCL)对资源进行编排,具体的说就是可以用代码来管理维护IT资源,比如针对AWS,我们可以用它创建、修改或删除 S3 Bucket、Lambda,、EC2、Kinesis、VPC等各种资源,并且在真正运行之前可以看到执行计划。 Terraform支持状态保存到文件中,因此能够离线方式查看资源情况。Terr...
状态管理是 terraform 用户体验非常差的一环,由于没有提供相应的功能,客户只能自己在开源社区里找解决方案。目前 AWS 上常用的方案是 S3 存储状态,DynamoDB 用来加锁。如果多个人部署同一个 stack,就简单粗暴去 DynamoDB 拿锁排队。这个方案在几十人的团队里还凑合,再大就会有很多麻烦。另外,状态的版本控制基本上...
resource:aws_s3_bucket_object:object:bucket:your_bucket_namekey:new_object_keysource:path/to/fileetag:'${md5(file("path/to/file"))}' Encrypting with KMS Key yamlhcl resource:aws_kms_key:examplekms:description:'KMS key 1'deletion_window_in_days:7aws_s3_bucket:examplebucket:bucket:examplebu...
I've been using Terraform to manage my AWS infrastructure, and I recently encountered a warning related to my AWS S3 bucket configuration. Here's the current Terraform code for my S3 bucket:resource "aws_s3_bucket" "testdocuments" { bucket_prefix = format("sd.%s.ml.test-", ...
Error: getting S3 Bucket encryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationNotFoundError: The server-side encryption request configuration was not found. status code: 404, request id: 1685976515119001 , host id: 12391987 My Terraform code for this looks like below ...
#This S3 bucket will not be createdmodule"s3_bucket"{source="terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"create_bucket=false#... omitted} Terragrunt andvariable "..." { type = any } There is a bug#1211in Terragrunt related to the way how the variables of typeanyare passed to Terraform. ...