您好,当我将 s3 存储桶指定为后端时,我遇到了 terraform 无法看到 s3 存储桶的问题aws --profile terraform s3api create-bucket --bucket "some_name_here" --region "eu-west-2" \ --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint="eu-west-2" ...
Sometimes you need to have a way to create S3 resources conditionally but Terraform does not allow to use count inside module block, so the solution is to specify argument create_bucket. # This S3 bucket will not be created module "s3_bucket" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/...
The issue here is that Terraform is initiating API called that are not needed to “create a bucket then enable bucket encryption on that bucket”. If you try to do so using awscli with “–debug” you won’t see any of those API calls mentioned in ...
bucket:""=>"s3page"debug:""=>"false"s3_bucket.bucket_create: Creation complete after0s s3_file.upload_index_page: Creating... bucket:""=>"s3page"content_type:""=>"text.html"debug:""=>"true"file_path:""=>"./files/index.html"name:""=>"index.html"s3_file.upload_user_js: Crea...
在我们的AWS S3存储桶上启用了蠕虫之后,terraform不再允许我向它部署任何更改,因为它已经存在。 对于上下文,我们在S3中有一个远程状态,但这不是要受影响的桶,我们使用/S3-bucket/aws模块作为s3存储桶。 我最初运行的命令是 代码语言:javascript 复制 terraform -chdir=infrastructure/wazuh_app/resources import -con...
provider "s3" { s3_server = "localhost:9000" s3_access_key = "dalongdemo" s3_secret_key = "dalongdemo" s3_api_signature = "v4" s3_ssl = false s3_debug = true } resource "s3_bucket" "bucket_create" { bucket = "s3page"
准备一个GCS bucket 1 2 3 # valid LOCATION values are `asia`, `eu` or `us` gsutil mb -l $LOCATION gs://$BUCKET_NAME gsutil versioningseton gs://$BUCKET_NAME 准备如下tf文件 backend.tf 1 2 3 4 5 6 terraform { backend"gcs"{ ...
准备好S3 bucket,更新backend providers.tf terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "sre-dev-terraform" key = "test/eks.tfstate" region = "cn-north-1" } required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 4.25.0" ...
Terraform的awss3bucket模块用于创建Amazon S3存储桶。此模块允许您定义S3存储桶的属性,如名称、位置、访问权限等。此外,该模块还支持IAM用户配置,允许您为外部CI/CD系统创建具有特定权限的IAM用户。通过使用此模块,您可以方便地管理S3存储桶及其IAM用户,以适应您的云环境和安全需求。