MegatronLM的第一篇论文【Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism】是2020年出的,针对billion级别的模型进行训练,例如具有38亿参数的类GPT-2的transformer模型和具有39亿参数的BERT模型。 分布式训练的模型并行有两种方式,一种是层间并行(inter-layer),也就是Pipeline流水...
tensor model parallel group is already initialized "tensor model parallel group is already initialized" 这句话是关于TensorFlow的模型并行化(model parallelism)的一种警告信息。在模型并行化中,模型的不同部分可以在不同的设备(例如,不同的GPU)上运行。为了实现这一点,TensorFlow需要初始化一个"model parallel ...
# torch version 2.0.0 import torch # tensor-parallel version 1.0.22 from tensor_parallel import TensorParallelPreTrainedModel # transformer version 4.28.0.dev0 from transformers import LlamaTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM, GenerationConfig 加载LLaMA-7B 并转化为 TensorParallelPreTrainedModel: model = LlamaFo...
Fairscale layers are here (ColumnParallelLinear/RowParallelLinear/ParallelEmbedding): And the operations they call are here:
fix bug: #322 #872 Test log: (vllm-boydfd) root:~/projects# python -m vllm.entrypoints.api_server --model /root/WizardLM--WizardCoder-15B-V1.0/ --tensor-parallel-size 8 2023-10-17 19:13:33,431 INFO...
Dies beinhaltet in der Regel die verteilte Berechnung bestimmter Operationen, Module oder Layers des Modells. Tensorparallelität ist in Fällen erforderlich, in denen ein einzelner Parameter den größten Teil des GPU Speichers beansprucht (z. B. große Einbettungstabellen mit einer...
core.tensor_parallel.split_tensor_into_1d_equal_chunks(tensor,new_buffer=False) Break a tensor into equal 1D chunks across tensor parallel ranks. Returns a Tensor or View with this rank’s portion of the data. Parameters tensor– The tensor to split ...
摘要: This paper presents a computational model, using a Parallel Distributed Processing architecture, of the role of memory retrieval and analogical reasoning in creativity. The memory model stores information as the tensor product of up to three...
Hoefler. Sparse tensor algebra as a parallel programming model. CoRR, abs/1512.00066, 2015.E. Solomonik and T. Hoefler. Sparse Tensor Algebra as a Parallel Programming Model. ArXiv e-prints, Nov. 2015.Solomonik, E.; Hoefler, T. Sparse Tensor Algebra as a Parallel Programming Model. arXiv...
trtllm-launcher --model Qwen/Qwen1.5-72B-Chat --tensor-parallel-size 8 --enable-kv-cache-reuse --use-custom-all-reduce --enforce-xqa ... 0x0b tensorrt_llm离线推理 ModelRunner和ModelRunnerCpp的不统一 最近想在多模态场景下将examples中的ModelRunner切换成ModelRunnerCpp,以便可以使用prefix cachin...