7. By default, Zabbix Agent service account is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM which is already in SQL Server. If you need to monitor mirrored databases or databases in Always On, you will have to give Zabbix Agent’s service account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM by default) sysadmin rights. More about it here...
template规划: windows工作站使用默认的模板template os windows linux工作站和linux计算服务器使用template os linux for workstations linux功能服务器使用template os linux for servers 调整interval大小,减小zabbix server压力 关闭不需要的item,减小zabbix server压力 template os windows: template os linux for workst...
7. By default, Zabbix Agent service account is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM which is already in SQL Server. If you need to monitor mirrored databases or databases in Always On, you will have to give Zabbix Agent’s service account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM by default) sysadmin rights. More about it here...
3:在被监控的主机或设备上应用这个模板,或者在其他模板中引用这个模板(很多翻译是“链接的模板”,个人感觉这个翻译怪怪的),如下所示,在Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent中引用了Template Module ICMP Ping模板,那么只要应用模板Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent 就会监控主机或设备了。 Template Module ICMP P...
Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent.xml Template OS Mac OS X.xml Template OS OpenBSD.xml Template OS Solaris.xml Template OS Windows SNMP.xml Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent active.xml Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent.xml Template Server Chassis...
Zabbix template for Microsoft SQL Server Features: MS SQL performance counters, MS SQL instance Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database backup Low Level Discovery, MS SQL agent job Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database mirroring monitoring, MS SQL Always On mo...
I installed Zabbix Server 3.4.4 on Centos 7 via YUM Packages. I have 80 host monitored by Zabbix Agents. Now i'm tryin to monitor VMware Hypervisors ESXi 6.0. Template 'VM VMware' works fine but all item of Template 'VM VMware Hypervisor' shows Satus 'Not supported' with leggend 'Unknow...
Template App Apache by Zabbix agent{$APACHE.STATUS.HOST}- the hostname or IP address of Apache status page (default: {$APACHE.STATUS.PATH}- the URL path (default: server-status?auto) {$APACHE.STATUS.PORT}- the port of Apache status page (default: 80)Apache module mod_status...
None We apply zabbix template to the server using the "import" option available in UI. Say, template A is linked with another template B and the templates are applied to the zabbix server. In the next version/release : Template A is no longer associated with B ...
考虑后面需要通过api的方式添加主机、那么我们要获取需要模板的ID。 这里我新建zabbix_api_template.py内容如下 # -*- coding: UTF-8 ...