1. Make sure that Zabbix agent is installed on the host. For active checks, also make sure that the host is added to the 'ServerActive' parameter of the agentconfiguration file. 2.Linkthe template to a target host (if the template is not available in your Zabbix installation, you may ...
Apache by Zabbix agent{$APACHE.STATUS.HOST}- the hostname or IP address of Apache status page (default: {$APACHE.STATUS.PATH}- the URL path (default: server-status?auto) {$APACHE.STATUS.PORT}- the port of Apache status page (default: 80)Apache module mod_status should be ...
My server has two Xeon Gold 6140 processors with a total of 72 logical processors. in Zabbix Number of CPUs online are only 40 instead of 72. And additionaly for the logic processors from 32 to 39, it can't get any data. Current configur...
zabbix_weixin.x86_64.gz 该包是linux安装zabbix微信报警插件,下载后解压拷贝到合适目录即可使用。 上传者:u011615844时间:2019-04-16 zabbix_agent-6.0.3-windows-i386-openssl zabbix_agent-6.0.3-windows-i386-openssl Windows平台agent代理程序。 上传者:yleihj时间:2022-05-05 ...
以下代码本人亲测可用,环境为centos7,需要两台虚拟机一台用途为Registor Zabbix(一台Consul( 陌无崖 2019/08/16 1.1K0 Nginx + UpSync + Consul 实现 Dynamic Upstream nginxnode.js编程算法httphttps Nginx 是一款开源、高性能、高可靠的 Web 和反向代理服务器,性能是 Nginx 最...
The following is the complete error message appear in the command line interface upon the Django-based application execution : Internal Server Error: /sysapp Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\programming\python\env\lib\site-packages\django\core\han...
本次内容就介绍一下如何的在zabbix里进行邮件报警,并且自定义邮件报警的格式。 1.选择“Administration-Media types“ 选择“Email“ 输入相应信息 然后保存 2.选择“Administration-Users“ 选择“users“,然后在选择”admin&l...ext4.0绘制chart(柱状图,条形图) 2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Jsp代码...
Server/proxy template The default Zabbix server/proxy templates (Template App Zabbix Server,Template App Zabbix Proxy) have been changed. While some items have been renamed, there are also some completely new items: Number of processed character values per second ...
consul-template 是 Consul 的一个守护程序,使用 consul-template 可以方便快速的实现对 Consul Key/Value 存储系统的访问,可以从 KV 系统中读取数据、监视变动、同步本地文件;还可以在执行模板更新的同时,执行本地系统命令,比如常见的就是在同步数据到本地模板文件后,生成 Nginx 配置文件,并执行 nginx -s reload ...