7. By default, Zabbix Agent service account is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM which is already in SQL Server. If you need to monitor mirrored databases or databases in Always On, you will have to give Zabbix Agent’s service account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM by default) sysadmin rights. More about it here...
7. By default, Zabbix Agent service account is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM which is already in SQL Server. If you need to monitor mirrored databases or databases in Always On, you will have to give Zabbix Agent’s service account (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM by default) sysadmin rights. More about it here...
博客简介:这里是潇湘隐者的一亩三分地,偶尔意兴阑珊的时候,整理打理下本“菜园”,本“菜园”主要关注各类数据库技术(ORACLE、MS SQL, MySQL,Hbase...)以及NOSQL、NET、JAVA等各类技术。在这里,记录着我成长、学习、工作过程的点点滴滴(笔记、总结、研究、问题解决...),本人对数据库管理、数据库开发、性能优化、...
Zabbix template for Microsoft SQL Server Features: MS SQL performance counters, MS SQL instance Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database backup Low Level Discovery, MS SQL agent job Low Level Discovery, MS SQL database mirroring monitoring, MS SQL Always On mo...
ZabbixMSSQL Zabbix Template and tools for Microsoft SQL Server This template is PoC due to the nature of SQL monitoring (every DBA would have to his own things depending on the type of load): There is no triggers; There is no graphs, etc; ...
Download MSSQL by ODBC fromhttps://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/db/mssql_odbcand import to Zabbix Server. Result: There is a trigger named "MSSQL: Too frequently pointers using", which is not grammatically correct. ...
Grafana创建zabbix自定义template(模板) 点击new,创建一个新的template 下面解释一下各个参数的作用Variablename: 变量名,template的名字,比如我这里取名为group,到时候要使用这个变量名就用$group来调用。 type: 变量类型,变量类型有多种,其中query表示这个变量是一个查询语句,type也可以是datasource,datasource就表示该...
假设你要在grafana上看某个监控项的实时数据,就需要在grafana上配置该监控项的panel,那么这样一来可能会存在很多个监控项,比如我管的一台zabbix server上光一个host下监控项就有几百个,如果这几百个监控项每个都在grafana上配置一个panel,这绝对是一个非常折磨人的工作。还好grafana提供了一个template的功能,允许...
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by 'zabbix'; MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.导入 Zabbix 数据至数据库中 [root@m01 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-4.0.11/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -pzab...
PgSQL 14.6 TSDB 2.8.1 OpenSSL 1.1.1 series Agent2 6.0.14 Sprint: Sprint 103 (Aug 2023) Story Points: 1 Steps to reproduce: Follow:https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/db/postgresql_agent2/README.md?at=refs%2Fheads%2Frelease%2F6.2 ...