Proteins: Structure, Function, and BioinformaticsZhou H, Skolnick J. Template-based protein structure modeling using TASSERVMT. Proteins. 2011; 80(2):352-61. PMID: 22105797Zhou, H. and Skolnick, J. (2012) Template-based protein structure modeling using ...
A key challenge of modern biology is to uncover the functional role of the protein entities that compose cellular proteomes. To this end, the availability of reliable three-dimensional atomic models of proteins is often crucial. This protocol presents a
the availability of reliable three-dimensional atomic models of proteins is often crucial. This protocol presents a community-wide web-based method using RaptorX ( for protein secondary structure prediction, template-...
For template-based modeling (TBM) and fold recognition methods, a prediction model can be built based on the coordinates of the appropriate template(s) [1]. These approaches generally involve four steps: 1) a representative protein structure database is searched to identify a template that is s...
RaptorX server: A Resource for Template-Based Protein Structure Modeling Assigning functional properties to a newly discovered protein is a key challenge in modern biology. To this end, computational modeling of the three-dimens... Morten Kllberg,G Margaryan,W Sheng,... - 《Methods in Molecular...
The recent growth of the number of experimentally-determined protein structures in Protein Data Banks (PDB) has provided hundreds of thousands of structural templates to support reliable template-based protein structure modeling. In this paper, taking advantage of large-scale data processing platforms, ...
Template-based modelling, also known as homology modelling, is a powerful approach to predict the structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence. The approach requires one to identify a sequence similarity between the query sequence and that of a known structure as they will adopt a similar...
Protein structural information is essential for the detailed mapping of a functional protein network. For a higher modelling accuracy and quicker implementation, template-based algorithms have been extensively deployed and redefined. The methods only assess the predicted structure against its native state/...
modeling of protein complexesstructure predictionThe paper presents analysis of our template‐based and free docking predictions in the joint CASP12/CAPRI37 round. A new scoring function for template‐based docking was developed, benchmarked on the Dockground resource, and applied to the targets. ...
Although many advanced and sophisticatedab initioapproaches for modeling protein–protein complexes have been proposed in past decades, template-based modeling (TBM) remains the most accurate and widely used approach, given a reliable template is available. However, there are many different ways to exp...