Location spawn = SkyWarsReloaded.getCfg().getSpawn();if(spawn ==null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED +"YOU MUST SET SPAWN BEFORE YOU CAN CREATE A MAP");returntrue; } String worldName = args[1].toLowerCase();if(!SkyWarsReloaded.getMC().mapExists(worldName.toLowerCase())) { Worl...
and then type /spawn. to teleport to your home from wherever you are. And you can even set specific locations by using the command /spawn+ [name] to set whatever name you want for that particular location. If you’d like to see your locations simply type /spawns and they will be disp...
Is this still a concern in the current Minecraft version 1.7.2 / Launcher version 1.3.4 ? If so, please update the affected versions in order to best aid Mojang ensuring bugs are still valid in the latest releases/pre-releases. Load more older comments People...
There are a lot of ways to die inMinecraftand each method can allow players to teleport back to their bed by respawning. However, just make sure that you have set the spawn location in your bed by using it at night or simply right-clicking on it in the daytime. Another tip is to st...
-t,-tries <amount>the amount of times the plugin should try to find a random location before giving up -sp,spawnpoint [force]set the respawn point of the player to the location he teleported to (force overrides existing spawnpoint) ...
开发者ID:EnderiumSmith,项目名称:Nuclear-Foundation,代码行数:17,代码来源:MethodUtil.java 示例6: teleportTo ▲点赞 3▼ importnet.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.EnderTeleportEvent;//导入依赖的package包/类protectedbooleanteleportTo(doublex,doubley,doublez){EnderTeleportEventevent =newEnderTeleportEvent...
0349-Add-option-to-allow-iron-golems-to-spawn-in-air.patch 0350-Configurable-chance-of-villager-zombie-infection.patch 0351-Optimise-Chunk-getFluid.patch 0352-Set-spigots-verbose-world-setting-to-false-by-def.patch 0353-Add-tick-times-API-and-mspt-command.patch 0354-Expose...
How to reproduce Enter the end, and kill the ender dragon so the gateway generates. /execute in minecraft:the_end run tp 0 80 0 /kill @e[type=minecraft:ender_dragon] Use an ender pearl to enter the gateway. →You are teleported to the obsidian end spawn platform. ...
Source File: CraftPlayer.java From Thermos with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes @Override public boolean teleport(Location location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) { net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP entity = getHandle(); if (getHealth() == 0 || entity.isDe...
Step 1:You have to enable cheats to teleport inMinecraft. Fortunately,Minecraftusually makes this easy. If you are creating a new JavaMinecraftworld to explore, wait a moment on theCreate new world screen. Look for theAllow cheatsbutton, and make sure it is turned on. ...