spawnstack <NAME|ID|random|list> {NAME|ID|random} - Spawns a stack of NPCs *superheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced form t <X> <Y> <Z> - Same as /tele tele <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. time [set|get|day|night [minute|...
The item stack popup animation will now only play when a new item is added to the stack (MCPE...
/setworldspawn设置世界出生点。 /spawnpoint为玩家设置出生点。 /spreadplayers将实体传送到随机位置。 /stopsound 停止音效。 /summon 生成实体。 /tag 修改玩家或实体的标签。 /teleport /tp的替代命令,传送实体。 /tell 向另一玩家发送私信。 /tellraw向玩家显示JSON消息。 /testfor 统计符合给定...
opencontainers:玩家是否能打开容器(例如箱子)。 teleport:玩家是否能传送。 permissionsLevel:世界主人的权限等级。 playerPermissionsLevel:其他玩家的权限等级。 flySpeed:玩家的飞行速度。 walkSpeed:玩家的移动速度。 abilities:玩家权限或能力。 lastOpenedWithVersion:最后一次打开的游戏版本。格式为x.x.x.x.x,x为下...
While we’re on the topic – have you had a chance to check out all the other spiffy stuff ...
spawn-teleport:MATERIAL:bedPOSITION-X:1POSITION-Y:1NAME:'&aReturn to spawn'ACTIONS:-'spawn' 这是一个图标所需的代码。 注意:每一个图标的标题需顶格写(即例中spawn-teleport),图标内项目需全大写(例如MATERIAL) 这些图标所代表的内容如下: 同时,还有更多的操作: ...
Creating a Minecraft server gives youfull control of both the in-game worlditself and the back end - you can useadmin commandsto teleport, spawn items, change the time of day, and so much more. If you want to go a step further, there’s even a whole world ofplayer-made modifications...
别名: mob,emob,spawnentity,espawnentity,espawnmob 介绍: 改变移动速度。 用法: /< command > [类型] < 速度值 > [玩家] 别名: flyspeed,eflyspeed,fspeed,efspeed,espeed,walkspeed,ewalkspeed,wspeed,ewspeed 介绍: 让某玩家强制执行一个命令。 用法: /< command > < 玩家 > < 命令 [参数] > ...
Armadillos spawn in Savannas and Badlands 犰狳会自然生成在热带草原和恶地生物群系 The Armadillo's favorite food is the Spider Eye 犰狳最喜欢的食物是蜘蛛眼 ARMADILLO ROLLING UP BEHAVIOR 犰狳的蜷缩行为 The Armadillo rolls up when it detects a threat such as: ...
You can set a home location by typing /spawn! and then type /spawn. to teleport to your home from wherever you are. And you can even set specific locations by using the command /spawn+ [name] to set whatever name you want for that particular location. ...