For example, memories that are formed in times of heightened feeling, or even stress, will be better recorded due to the hippocampus' link with emotion. But one of the major factors contributing to memory consolidation is, you g...
是睡个好觉,还是熬夜学习? 题目: The benefits of a good night's sleep 作者: Shia Marcu It's 4 a.m., and the big test is in eight hours, followed by a piano recital. You've been studying and playing for days, but you still don't feel ready for either. So, what can you do?
memories that are formed in times of heightened feeling, or even stress, will be better recorded due to the hippocampus' link with emotion. But one of the major factors contributing to memory consolidation is, you guessed it, a good night's sleep. ...
倍速 默认音效 返回 【Ted-ED】睡个好觉的益处 The Benefits Of A Good Night's Sleep 【Ted-ED】睡个好觉的益处 The Benefits Of A Good Night's Sleep 2021年4月14日发布 05:44 【Ted-ED】睡个好觉的益处 The Benefits Of A Good Night's Sleep ...
#TED分享 双语视频学习—“ The benefits of a good night‘s sleep ” (睡个好觉的益处)~碎片化学习时间走起~#每日英语 #英语 #抖音小助手 #ted分享 #每天学习一点点 @教书匠大昕子Mickey· 2022年4月1日教书匠大昕子Mickey 05:16 19 #TED分享 双语视频学习— “ Why do we dream?(为什么我们会做梦...
Let’s Begin… It’s 4am, and the big test is in 8 hours. You’ve been studying for days, but you still don’t feel ready. Should you drink another cup of coffee and spend the next few hours cramming? Or should you go to sleep? Shai Marcu defends the latter option, showing how...
【TED Talk】Judson Brewer-A simple way to break a bad habit(告别坏习惯的小窍门) 735 -- 12:05 App 【TED Talk】HermanNarula-The transformative power of video games(电子游戏的变革力量) 688 -- 12:07 App 【TED Talk】Meaghan Ramsey-why thinking you're ugly is bad for you? 97 -- 13:47...
2014-12-09 The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu.mp4 2014-12-15 The great conspiracy against Julius Caesar - Kathryn Tempest.mp4 2014-12-15 The truth about bats - Amy Wray.mp4 2014-12-18 What is a gift economy - Alex Gendler.mp4 2014-12-19 How spontaneous brain activit...
| One more reason to get a good night's sleep Jeff IIiff | Jeff Iliff, 2014 00:00:11 睡眠 Sleep. 00:00:13 占用了我们一生三分之一的时间 It's something we spend about a third of our lives doing, 00:00:16 但是真正有人知道它到底是怎么回事吗? but do any of us really understand ...
1. Because while the lightbulb and technology have brought about a world of 24-hour work and productivity, it has come at the cost of our naturally occurring circadian rhythm and our body's need for sleep. bring about: to make something happen 带来,导致,引起 e.g.: What brought about the...