大学体验英语tedtalks听说教程2第四版课后答案 1、You cannot see the doctor ___ you have made an appointment with him. [单选题] * A. except B.even C. however D.unless(正确答案) 2、Alice is fond of playing ___ piano while Henry is interested in listening to ___ music. [单选题] ...
About the speaker Es Devlin Artist, designer See speaker profile Es Devlin is an artist and designer practicing across the worlds of art, music and technology. 埃斯· 德夫林's resource list Stefano Massini, 2012 | Article Lehman Trilogy Spanning 150 years in three hours...
The name was a pseudonym, actually, or apseudo-pseudonym. As soon as I saw the initials, and the profilepic, I knew immediately, my whole body knew immediately who thiswas, and I knew immediately what mix tape she was talking about. (Music) 作者是个匿名,实际上,或者是假的匿名者。当我...
洛杉矶交响乐团的小提琴家Robert Gupta, 讲述了他给一个优秀的精神分裂症患者教授音乐的故事,以及他的体会。演讲之后, Gupta再次被请上舞台表演了从巴赫的大提琴第一组曲改编的小提琴前奏 entertainment music performance brain mental health TED Fellows TED is supported by ads and partners ...
演讲题目:New ways to see music 演讲简介: 设计师Jared Ficklin创造了新颖的视觉,通过颜色甚至是火(首次在ted舞台上展示),使得我们能够看得到音乐,用来分析我们对声音的感觉。他简单地举了滑板运动场的例子,展示给我们他是怎样分析那里的声音的。同时,他也告诉我们声音是怎样激发...
(Music: Seinfeld theme) (Video) George Costanza:Oh boy, I was uptil four in the morning watching that Omen trilogy. (音乐:Seinfeld主旋律) (电影)GeorgeCostanza:天哪,我一直在看凶兆三部曲直到凌晨四点钟。 Rives: I would be listening to music, andthis would happen. ...
it's the language of finance,it's the language of air traffic control, of popular music, diplomacy --English is everywhere.我正在讲的这种语言,快要变成全世界的通用语言,无论好坏,我们都要面对它,它是因特网的语言,是金融界...
A 2012 study found that listening to classical music could improve performance of stressful tasks like TED Talks by calming the sympathetic nervous system. 2012年的一项研究发现,听古典音乐能够提高你处理压力任务——比如TED演讲——的能力,因为它能让你的交感神经系统冷静下来。
and they would always answer me back in English. They love rock music, pop culture, American culture. But when they got older, when the time comes for them to start think about getting married, that's when we expect them to realize, a little bit more, their own culture. But that's ...
10 talks that involve highly unusual instruments ByLiz Jacobs onJan 3, 2013 Music comes in all shapes and sizes, as these talks illustrate. From an electric drum suit called “thunderwear” to an ancient stringed wheel to an arresting rare organ, the instruments featured in these talks reshap...