洛杉矶交响乐团的小提琴家Robert Gupta, 讲述了他给一个优秀的精神分裂症患者教授音乐的故事,以及他的体会。演讲之后, Gupta再次被请上舞台表演了从巴赫的大提琴第一组曲改编的小提琴前奏 entertainment music performance brain mental health TED Fellows TED is supported by ads and partners ...
从碧昂丝到德雷克还有其他歌手,这个世界正跟着非洲节奏摇摆。跟着肯尼亚非洲流行巨星 Sauti Sol 在 TED 舞台上的表演感受非洲的节奏吧!他们表演的歌曲分别是《生于非洲,死于非洲》、《Sura Yako》和《Kuliko Jana》。 entertainment music performance Africa
如果你想真正了解中央公园,就必须亲身前往. well, the same is true of the music, which my brother and i composed and mapped specifically for central park. 当然了,音乐也一样,这些专门为中央公园创作的片段是由我的弟弟和我一起作曲并配图完成的. i'd lik...
It turns out, a guy who was trying to develop the world's perfect sonar ping solved the problem of writing pattern-free music. 他试图开发出世界上 完美的声波定位脉冲, 这解决了如何写出没有 重复的音乐的难题。 And that's ...
Also, talk to your children about the health effects of noise and that listening to loud music today will have consequences when they're older. You can also move your bedroom to the quiet side of the house, where your own building shields you from road traffic noise. If you're looking ...
I wanna talk about food. 我想谈谈食物。 When we consume food, we experience its taste and we benefit from its nutritional value. 当我们吃食物的时候,我们能体验到它的味道,并从它的营养价值中获益。 Taste is subjective. For person to person it can vary. ...
-- it doesn't always work. Sometimes, I still totally get wrapped up in that addictive cycle of wanting to get attention. I mean, like, even right now, can I honestly say there's not some part of me here who's like, "Hey, everybody, look at me, I'm giving a TED Talk!"...
Now, this idea of marginal gains will eventually get you a good jet engine. And it's been quite widely implemented in the world. So you'll hear about it, for example, in high performance cycling, web designers will talk about trying to optimize their web pages, they're looking for thes...
In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive. 中文视频链接 Video in English 56、【 TED演讲:如何掌控你的自由时间】 (11分54秒) 经常听有人抱怨自己很忙,没时间做这个做那个,情况真是这样的吗? 本期TED由时间管...
The image you see above is Amanda Palmer just before stepping onto the TED2013 stage to give her talk, “The art of asking.” She asked one of the crew members to snap this photo of her with daisy in hand. As our lineup of TED2014 speakers finish writing their talks and start the ...