作者:Anita Collins Did you know that every time musicians pick up their instruments, there are fireworks going off all over their brain? On the outside, they may look calm and focused,reading the music and making the precise and practiced movements required, But inside their brains, there's ...
聽他分享實驗的成果:音樂結合迷幻藥的體驗,在適當的條件下, 或許能輔助情感發展的成熟,輔助治療憂鬱症、焦慮、情緒失調等病症。 science music brain mental health medical research TED is supported by ads and partners
I normally don't talk about this, but I'd like to share a bit with you some of those 317 days of captivity. I was kept in an underground cellar, total darkness, for 23 hours and 45 minutes every day, and then the...
But what we hear less about is that there's such a thing as adult development, and our 20s are that critical period of adult development. But this isn't what twenty somethings are hearing. Newspapers talk about the changing time...
Neuroscientist and musician Alan Harvey takes us on an interactive journey showing live on stage what music does to our brain waves, and explains how music is more than just an entertainment. You've never seen music like this before… Alan is joined by fellow neuroscientist Andrew Price and mu...
“Song Exploder” is a podcast, and it's also a TV show that I adapted for Netflix. And over the years, I've gotten to talk to some of the biggest musicians in the world about their work. People like Fleetwood Mac and U2, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Alicia Keys, Billie Eilish, The Roots...
Charles Limb: Your brain on improv Charles Limb: Your brain on improv Charles Limb is a surgeon who studies creativity, and is fascinated by how people create music. In this fun talk from TEDxMidAtlantic, Limb shows his work putting jazz musicians and rappers in fMRIs to see what happens ...
我个人非常喜欢的一个Talk。 一些我觉得讲的重点或者是有感的点加了标粗斜杠或者单独引用了出来。 建议一边听着音频一边看着以下原稿读。 演讲链接:https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_this_could_be_why_you_re_depressed_or_anxious The Speaker:Johann Hari · Journalist (Johann Hari is the author of...
演讲者是《The Escapist 杂志》的总经理亚历山大·马克利斯(Alexander Macris) 演讲的主题是People Are Getting Smarter, Contents Are Getting Dumber 用中文讲就是:人类越来越聪明,而我们阅读的内容却越来越蠢。 字幕如下: Today, we’re gonna talk about the content we consume and what that consumption is doi...
Preparing for this talk has been scarier for me than preparing for LSD therapy. "Psychedelics are to the study of the mind what the microscope is to biology and the telescope is to astronomy." Dr. Stanislav Grof spoke those words.