Data can be used for good, harnessed for the betterment of society, but it can also be abused. Find out about some hidden not-so-sunny uses of Big Data.
In a wide-ranging conversation with head of TED Chris Anderson, he tells stories about the TikTok creators he loves and digs into thorny issues like data privacy and government manipulation — as well as speaking personally about his commitment to inspiring creativity and building community....
Data about TED Talks on theTED.comwebsite until September 21st, 2017 TED演讲 TED.com网站上的TED Talks数据截至2017年9月21日 这些数据集包含有关在2017年9月21日之前上传到TED.com官方网站的TED演讲的所有音频记录的信息。 1. Overview These datasets contain information about all audio-video recordings ...
The culmination is an event produced, recorded, and hosted by TED, generating a growing library of valuable TED Talks that can spur innovation and transform organizations. Read more about the TED Institute Join the discussion about data philanthropy on UPS's "Longitudes" blog. part...
( 7. The beauty of data visualization 数据可视化之美 (播放次数:2,277,195) David McCandless 将复杂的数据集(如世界范围的军事开支、媒体 buzz、Facebook 的状态)转换成美观,简单的图表,从而梳理出看不见的...
sns.barplot(x='day', y='talks', data=day_df, order=day_order) image.png day的分布几乎是一个钟声曲线,星期三和星期四是最受欢迎的日子,周日是最不受欢迎的。这是非常有趣的,因为我认为大部分的会议都会在周末的某个时候发生。 df['year']=df['film_date'].apply(lambda x:x.split('-')[2]...
( ref:
( 7. The beauty of data visualization 数据可视化之美 (播放次数:2,277,195) David McCandless 将复杂的数据集(如世界范围的军事开支、媒体 buzz、Facebook 的状态)转换成美观,简单的图表,从而梳理出看不见的...
And I'm here to share what I learned from this experience. What I learned is that data leaks. It's like water. It gets in places you don't want it. Human leaks. Your friends give away information about you. Your family gives away infor...
真实更像是一个3D的桌面, 其设计目的是要隐藏真实世界的复杂性, 引导我们做出适应性行为。现实可能是某种庞大的,相互间互动的意识代理体的网络。2,Clifford Stoll:无所不及:All truth is one. In this light, may science and religion endeavour here for the steady evolution of mankind, from darkness to ...