但是,对于字幕这样的文本类数据,分析还是较少的。 那我们就开始吧, 大致浏览数据: ted_transcript.csv 文件中包含了两列信息:“transcript(字幕)”和“url(地址)” 再看一下,有多少篇视频 有2467个视频数据 每一篇的台词数...
医生、流行病学家 Ben Goldacre 向我们展示,证据是可以被扭曲的,揭示了一些明显的营养声明以及制药行业的骗局。 ( 10. The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think 大难题:社交媒体上“点赞...
Data can be used for good, harnessed for the betterment of society, but it can also be abused. Find out about some hidden not-so-sunny uses of Big Data.
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The talks addressed analytical approaches as well as numerical procedures and results, mainlyon the calculation of laminated [6] M. Koslowski, M. Ortiz, Multi-phase field model of in the literatureto calulate the onset of microstructur... K Hackl,S Conti,M Ortiz - 《Oberwolfach Reports》 ...
Prof Robin Lock and Patti Frazer Lock, St. Lawrence University; Dr Kari Lock Morgan and Dr Eric Lock, Duke University; Dennis Lock, Iowa State University frame the TEDtalks in the context of the art and science of visualizing data, and its place in the field of Statistics. View EssayAddit...
( 9. Battling bad science 与伪科学抗争 (播放次数:1,891,208) 每天都有新的健康建议出现,但是如何辨别其真伪呢?医生、流行病学家 Ben Goldacre 向我们展示,证据是可以被扭曲的,...
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