Insightful TED Talks to help guide you on your journey to healthier, stronger relationships with others — and yourself.
We worry about what our doctors will tell us -- and so do they. Doctors, scientists and medical researchers weigh in on health care and better health practices.
开通大会员 大会员 消息 动态 收藏 历史记录 创作中心 投稿 微信公众号:TED超级演讲家 关注发消息 主页动态投稿999+合集和列表2 关注数 213 粉丝数 393.3万 代表作 04:26 日本暖心动画 MV《尽管我们的手中空无一物》 76.2万549 03:54 【电影】3分钟教你说100句情话 ...
Steven Pinker is one of several TED speakers who’s given a talk about the art of verbal language. Photo: James Duncan Davidson TED Talks cover an incredible breadth of topics — from mathematical origami to self-repairing architecture to personalized medicine. Some talks explore what lies at ...
Let me tell you a little story from my own negotiating experience. Some years ago, I was involved as a facilitator in some very tough talks between the leaders of Russia and the leaders of Chechnya. There was a war going on, as ...
节目列表 正序 | 倒序 1001 面对目标:Keep your goals to yourself 2002 关于方法:How to get better at the things you care about? 3003 好好说话:How to speak up for yourself? 4004【新年成长计划】9102年都来了,你的拖延症治好了吗? 相关专辑 1263TEDtalksLoveEnglish爱英语 2986National Geographic x...
TEDtalks精选(附字幕)遇到云 17.44万1.10万 To become a better you,day in and day out,in an upward spiral of growth and improvement.——日涛涛以自新 美,其实是一种拯救。在人性众多的挫折阻碍中,在生命众多的困惑迷惘中,美,使人有反思、有思维、有渴望、有向往、有对伤痛的悲悯,也有对喜悦幸福的...
Sebastian Wernicke谈关于TEDTalks的谎言与统计数据 (Sebastian Wernicke:Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks)) 来自TED2010 关于这场演讲 在这份绝妙且半开玩笑的分析里,Sebastian Wernicke 将统计分析工具应用在 TEDTalks里,根据听众所做的评比,发展出一套可制作出“最佳TEDTalk”的工具。你会怎么评价...
We’ve been cooking up something new that we’re thrilled to finally be able to share with you. The TED Fellows Film Series is a brand new kind of content from TED. These short films are a mix of TED Talks and short-form documentaries about TED Fellows. Who are these TED Fellows, yo...