Life skills are not simply knowledge but rather capacities and abilities that help us to manage crisis or difficulties in lives. Understanding oneself is not something is very easy for that we need to looking to oneself and see who we are? There, identif
MW: Each time you talk to us, play with us, make us laugh, it not only builds and strengthens our relationships and mental health, 莫莉:每一次你们和我们说话, 和我们玩,逗我们笑, 这不止建立和巩固 我们的关系和精神健康, it actually teac...
my life changed forever. My wife Kelsey and I welcomed our daughter Lela into the world. Now, becoming a parent is an amazing experience.Your whole world changes over night. And all of your priorities change immediately. So fast that it ma...
Now, this is easy to talk about in theory, but it's more fun to talk about in practice. So one of the things that I've wanted to learn how to do for a long time is play the ukulele. 就是这样!并不复杂。学习任何东西都可以按这四步来。好的,理论说起来总是很容易,其实说到练习会...
It's not rocket science. Four very simple steps that you can use to learn anything. Now, this is easy to talk about in theory, but it's more fun to talk about in practice. So one of the things that I've wanted to learn how to do for a long time is play the ukulele.就是这样...
plumbers. I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don’t like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them. So I’d like to spend the next 10 minutes or so teaching you how to talk and ...
Has anybody seen Jake Shimabukuro's TED Talk? TED where he plays the ukulele and makes it sound like -- he's like a ukulele god. It's amazing. 你们看没看过杰克岛袋的演讲他弹奏尤克里里,那声音简直——他就像尤克里里之神。非常精彩。
this is easy to talk about in theory but more fun so one of the things that I wanted to learn how to do for a long time。 play the foiler if anybody seeing jim had talked like he plays with ukuleia makes it sound like he's like a cupille god it's it's amazing it's like ni...
It's not rocket science. Four very simple steps that you can use to learn anything. Now, this is easy to talk about in theory, but it's more fun to talk about in practice. So one of the things that I've wanted to learn how to do for a long time is play the ukulele. ...
Allright,IwanttoseeashowofhandshowmanyofyouhaveunfriendedsomeoneonFacebookbecausetheysaidsomethingoffensiveaboutpoliticsorreligion,childcare,food?Andhowmanyofyouknowatleastonepersonthat youavoidbecauseyoujustdon ’twanttotalktothem? 要知道,在过去想要一段礼貌的谈话我们只需按照亨利﹒希金斯在《窈窕淑女》中的...