Life skills are not simply knowledge but rather capacities and abilities that help us to manage crisis or difficulties in lives. Understanding oneself is not something is very easy for that we need to looking to oneself and see who we are? There, identif
阿玛尔约特:皮卡布! MW: Each time you talk to us, play with us, make us laugh, it not only builds and strengthens our relationships and mental health, it actually teaches us some of the most important life sk...
So with that said, if there is one thing you take away from this talk, I hope that it is this: embrace your inner wiring, whatever that may be. If you're a specialist at heart, then by all means, specialize. That ...
Molly Wright: Each time you talk to us, play with us, make us laugh, it not only builds and strengthens our relationships and mental health, it actually teaches us some of the most important life skills, from making friends to taking the test, to getting a job, to one day maybe even ...
Talk should not be cheap. 第五点:如果你不知道,就说你不知道。广播节目里的人,尤其在全国公共广播电台(NPR)中,非常明白他们的谈话会被播放出去。所以他们对自己声称专业的地方以及言之凿凿的东西会更加小心。要学着这样做。谨言慎行。谈话应该是负责任的行为。 Number six: Don't equate your experience with...
It's not rocket science. Four very simple steps that you can use to learn anything. Now, this is easy to talk about in theory, but it's more fun to talk about in practice. So one of the things that I've wanted to learn how to do for a long time is play the ukulele.就是这样...
Through her nonprofit, Bodhi Tree Foundation, Ashweetha Shetty supports first-generation college students in rural India to explore their potential through education, life skills and opportunities. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. Learn more about ...
Now, this is easy to talk about in theory, but it's more fun to talk about in practice. So one of the things that I've wanted to learn how to do for a long time is play the ukulele. 就是这样!并不复杂。学习任何东西都可以按这四步来。好的,理论说起来总是很容易,其实说到练习会...
You say, "If you had to make one life choice right now to set yourself on the path to future health and happiness, what would it be?" And from hearing your talk today, we know that the right answer to that question is to build more warm connections. But I want to ask you about ...
People would come over to talk to my grandparents, and after they would leave, my mother would come over to us, and she'd say, "Do you know who that was? She was the runner-up to Miss America. He was the mayor of Sacramento. She won a Pulitzer Prize. He's a Russian ballet ...