Talk should not be cheap. 第五点:如果你不知道,就说你不知道。广播节目里的人,尤其在全国公共广播电台(NPR)中,非常明白他们的谈话会被播放出去。所以他们对自己声称专业的地方以及言之凿凿的东西会更加小心。要学着这样做。谨言慎行。谈话应该是负责任的行为...
Number one, we’d rather talk. When I am talking, I’m in control. I don’t have to hear anything I’m not interested in. I’m the center of attention. I can bolster my own identity. (强化自己的认同感) But there’s another reason: We get distracted. The average person talks at...
billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don't like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation...
billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don't like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them. So I'd like to spend the next ...
hands or close enough that you could grab them really quickly. According to Pew Research, about a third of American teenagers send more than a hundred texts a day. And many of them, almost most of them, are more likely to text their friends than they are to talk to them face to face...
texts a day. And many of them, almost most of them, are more likely to text their friends than they are to talk to them face to face. There’s this great piece in The Atlantic. It was written by a high school teacher named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kids a communication ...
And many of them, almost most ofthem, are more likely to text their friends than they are to talk to them face to face. There's thisgreat piece in The Atlantic. It was written by a high school teacher named Paul Barnwell. And hegave his kids a communication project. He wanted to ...
Talk should not be cheap. 第六条:丌要把自己癿经历和他人比较。 如果对斱谈论失去了家人,丌要就势开始说佝失去家人癿事 相关文档 ted英语演讲:如何成为一个自信的人 TED英语演讲:如何成为一个自信的人 Ted-演讲-the-boiling-river-(中英对照) ted演讲稿中英文对照 TED演讲中英对照1 如何成为一个好的演讲者...
And many of them, almost most of them, are more likely to text their friends than they are to talk to them face to face. There’s this great piece in The Atlantic. It was written by a high school teacher named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kids a communication project. He wanted ...
plumbers. I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don't like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them. So I'd like to spend the next 10 ...