【TED】Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers 2380 0 28:45 App 【TEDx】外表并不是全部 Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.(中、英字幕) 8747 5 36:54 App 【TED】The happy secret to better work 改善工作的快乐之道(中、英字幕) 浏览方式(推荐使...
【TED】How to speak so that people want to listen~如何说话他人才愿意聆听 240 0 06:15 App 【TED】5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand You Feel Good~五步打造让你感觉良好的个人品牌 99 0 04:26 App 【TED】Are you able to see faces in everyday objects?~你能看到日常物品中的脸吗?
And we're constantly told to lean in to work, to push harderand achieve more.We're given the impression that these are the things that we need to go afterin order to have a good life.Pictures of entire lives,of the choices that people make and how those choices work out for them,th...
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community. Find a TEDx event near you This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxBeaconStreet, an independent...
所属专辑:TED英文原声演讲 音频列表 1 Your body language may shape who you are Amy Cuddy TED 5140 2024-05 2 Robert Waldinger What makes a good life 4544 2024-05 3 Elon Musk The future we're building 埃隆·马斯克:我们正在建设的未来
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness 演讲者:Robert Waldinger 语言:英语 简介:2014 |幸福是什么?金钱,名望,或者成就感?哈佛大学开展了一次史上对成人发展研究最长的一次研究项目:从1938年开始,至今75年间...
what makes a good life演讲中文翻译稿 主题:人生的真正价值是什么——《幸福学》演讲 导语: 在TED上有一场非常著名的演讲,题为《幸福学》。这场演讲由哈佛大学心理学家罗伯特·华尔德主讲,他与同事们进行了一项长达75年的研究,旨在揭示人们追求幸福的真正秘诀。 正文: 1. 引言(幸福与成功): 在现代社会,很多...
Today, I am honored to discuss with you a profound and universal question: What makes a good life? First, let's be clear that everyone may have their own unique understanding of what constitutes a good life. For some, it may mean possessing endless wealth and material enjoyment; for ...
[TED Talk] 如何才能幸福?请看历时最长的关于幸福的研究成果 | What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness 罗伯特·沃尔丁格 | Robert Waldinger, 2015 00:00:11 在我们的人生中 What keeps us healthy and happy 00:00:14 是什么让我们保持健康且幸福呢? as we go through lif...