2016-04-29 Can plants talk to each other - Richard Karban 04:39 2016-04-28 The threat of invasive species - Jennifer Klos 04:47 2016-04-22 Why do cats act so weird - Tony Buffington 04:58 2016-04-21 The Turing test - Can a computer pass for a human - Alex Gendler 04:43 201...
2016-04-29 Can plants talk to each other - Richard Karban 04:39 2016-04-28 The threat of invasive species - Jennifer Klos 04:47 2016-04-22 Why do cats act so weird - Tony Buffington 04:58 2016-04-21 The Turing test - Can a computer pass for a human - Alex Gendler 04:43 201...
The third challenge I have when I talk about my son's murder-suicide is that I'm talking about mental health -- excuse me -- is that I'm talking about mental health, or brain health, as I prefer to call it, ...
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I'm going to talk today about the pleasures of everyday life. But I want to begin with a story of an unusual and terrible man. This is Hermann Goering. Goering was Hitler's second in command in World War II, his designated successor. And like Hitler, Goering fancied himself a collector...
为什么我们喜欢真迹不喜欢仿画?心理学家保罗·布鲁姆相信人类是本质主义者,我们对一件事物历史渊源的认知会改变我们对这个事物的感受, 并不是一种简单的错觉,而是快乐和痛苦的一个深层特点。 演讲者:Paul Bloom TED演讲稿 I’m going to talk today about the pleasures of ever...
为什么我们喜欢真迹不喜欢仿画?心理学家保罗·布鲁姆相信人类是本质主义者,我们对一件事物历史渊源的认知会改变我们对这个事物的感受, 并不是一种简单的错觉,而是快乐和痛苦的一个深层特点。 演讲者:Paul Bloom TED演讲稿 I’m going to talk today about the pleasures of everyday life.But I want to begin ...
评选出了2017年最受欢迎的TED Talk, 排名一个居然是在年初爆出大新闻的Elon Musk的TED演讲&专访视频。 一起来看~ No.1 ELON MUSK : The future we are building -and boring 我们所创造的未来以及“Boring”公司 作为2017年度排名第一的最受欢迎TED演讲,Elon Musk和TED创始人Chris Anderson在2017年4月28日的...
Nancy Kanwisher’s TED talk 17:27 Nancy Kanwisher A neural portrait of the human mind PostedOct 2014
But no one really wants to talk about this proverbial cow in the room. The fundamental need to shift our food system away from industrial meat. And maybe it's because we know people really care about what they eat. Or maybe it's because we know we're not going to get there by ...