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of course, I said yes. It's always been a dream of mine to have done a TED Talk in the past. But in the middle of all this excitement,the Rational Decision-Maker seemed to have something else on his mind
Why you should listen While teaching and performing research at Harvard Medical School about how our brain creates our perception of reality, a blood vessel exploded in Jill Bolte Taylor's brain. Within the course of four hours, she could not walk, talk, read, write or recall any of her ... Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2 1.开启CC字幕方法 2....
Daniel Levitin: Every time you shift your attention from one thing to another, the brain has to engage a neurochemical switch that uses up nutrients in the brain to accomplish that. So if you're attempting to multitask, you know, doing four or fiv...
Why it's so hard to talk about the N-word Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor 19:22 106The dangers of a noisy ocean and how we can quiet it down Nicola Jones 13:04 107Without farmers you'd be hungry naked and sober Eric Sannerud 09:02 108What happens when a Silicon Valley technologist ...
Read Montague is interested in the human dopamine system — or, as he puts it in this illuminating talk from TEDGlobal 2012, that which makes us “chase sex, food and salt” and therefore survive. Specifically, Montague and his team at the Roanoke Brain Study are interested in how dopamine...
Tim Urban 知道拖延是没有意义的,但他始终无法改掉等到最后一刻才把事情做完的习惯。在这场热闹而富有洞察力的演讲中,Tim Urban带我们踏上了一段穿越 YouTube 狂欢、维基百科兔子洞和盯着窗外看的旅程,并鼓励我们在时间用完之前更加认真地思考我们真正拖延的事情. ...
From Nina Tandon’s class at Cooper Union, student George Holevas posed a thought-provoking question:Do you believe the human brain will continue to increase its capabilities?He writes: According to neuroscientistVilayanur Ramachandran’s TED Talk, “The neurons that shaped civilization”, a sudde...
Rock The Small Talk: 3 Fun Ways To Pick Up Cool Conversation Starters YouTube Everyone's got something to say about the weather. But if you want to engage people in a conversation for more than a few seconds, you need to follow up with something more interesting. ...