Teaching mathematicsundergraduate leveldeformalizationcompetitionteststudents' writingpostersmathematical gazetteIn the paper eight techniques for teaching undergraduate mathematics are presented. The main aims are: learning how to pose problems more easily and in a more attractive formmatering usage of ...
Teaching secondary school mathematics : techniques and enrichment units / Alfred S. Posamentier, Jay Stepelman Teaching Secondary Mathematics: Techniques and Enrichment Units,7th edition has been thoroughly revised to discuss current methods of teaching mathematics,... AS Posamentier - Pearson/Merrill ...
8.thechangeofthevoices(语态变换法) 1.Repetition I.Teachingcontents 1.根据词义或修辞需要增词 2.根据语法需要增词 3.重复译法 1)为了明确重复 2)为了强调重复 3)为了生动重复 IV.TeachingMethod Discussion(groupwork,thenclasswork). V.Teachingprocedures 1.Repetition(重复法) 重复也属于增词。翻译和写作一...
2.Introductiontothe8commonly-usedtechniques1)repetition(重复法)2)amplification(增译法)3)omission(/省译法/减译法)4)conversion(词类转移法)5)inversion(词序调整法)6)division(分译法)7)negation(正说反译,反说正译法)8)thechangeofthevoices(语态变换法)2021 2 TeachingPlan TeachingAims:❖Tomakestudents...
9、 change of the voices(语态变换法),1. Repetition,I. Teaching contents 1. 根据词义或修辞需要增词 2. 根据语法需要增词 3. 重复译法 1) 为了明确重复 2) 为了强调重复 3) 为了生动重复,IV. Teaching Method Discussion (group work, then class work). V. Teaching procedures,1. Repetition(重复法...
the change of the voices(语态变换法) I. Teaching contents 1. 根据词义或修辞需要增词 2. 根据语法需要增词 3. 重复译法 1) 为了明确重复 2) 为了强调重复 3) 为了生动重复 IV. Teaching Method Discussion (group work, then class work). V. Teaching procedures 重复也属于增词。翻译和写作一样。
the change of the voices(语态变换法) ., * 1. Repetition I. Teaching contents 1. 根据词义或修辞需要增词 2. 根据语法需要增词 3. 重复译法 1) 为了明确重复 2) 为了强调重复 3) 为了生动重复 ., * IV. Teaching Method Discussion (group work, then class work). V. Teaching procedures ., ...
TeachingContents•A)Amplification•B)Ommision •Teachingmethods:•in–classdiscussion•exemplification WhataretheEighttranslationskills?1)conversion2)division3)inversion4)negation正说反译法,反说正译法5)amplification6)omission7)thechangeofvoices8)repetition Warming-upexercises •1.Iamlookingforwardto...
or I ncorpo- grams h:tve t .{ r-apid)y c(rllccntrii- atistics anci n1 aboratory nd the ncu' r bc a vital praciicc ol' pcr\lcCtl \ c 'r litt [:lttca psvc h o lorl r rcrrclr of tr r cducliti0nal \olo,qi.rt , )0. cdLrc;rlional clopiel.e, 261. 11 Teach ing...
1.repetition(重复法)2.amplification(增译法)3.omission(/省译法/减译法)4.conversion(词类转移法)5.inversion(词序调整法)6.division(分译法)7.negation(正说反译,反说正译法)8.thechangeofthevoices(语态变换法)1.Repetition ❖I.Teachingcontents❖1.根据词义或修辞需要增词❖2.根据语法需要增词❖3....