MathematicsTeaching-learning strategiesThe teaching strategies teachers use in the classroom and in teaching the children with learning problems, with special reference to mathematics instruction and the criteria for identifying children with learning problems were explored. For this purpose a sample of 12...
This study investigated the use of teaching strategies among Mathematics Teachers at the Public schools in Jordon, and its relationships with teachers' gender, experience, and scientific level. A stratified random sample of (75) teachers is drown. To assess the Teaching strategy use, a questionnaire...
Describes a two year trial course in curriculum and instruction of science and mathematics at California State College at Bakersfield. The course attempts to unify the two disciplines for the prospective elementary school teacher in terms of theory of learning and strategies of instruction. (JR)关键...
Teaching Strategies for Helping Students with Difficulties in Learning Mathematicslearning difficultiesmathematicsspecific learning disabilitiesassistance measuresrecognising learning difficultiesPupils' performance in school is influenced by various elements, such as cognitive, social, and emotional factors, home ...
Agenda 1 Why Teach Mathematics Vocabulary? 2 Instruction and Assessment Agenda 3 Strategies and Models 4 Resources Why teach mathematics vocabulary? “Vocabulary is a predictor of students’ comprehension” (Anderson and Freebody 1981; Nagy 1988) and content area learning (Espin and Foegen 1996). ...
Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA-- Programme for International Student AssessmentCrocker, RobertMonseur, Christian etc
This study uses the methodology of design-based research in search of ways to teach problem-solving strategies in mathematics in an upper secondary school. Educational activities are designed and tested in a class for four weeks. The design of the activities is governed by three design principles...
This study aims to explore the inquiry-based teaching strategies employed by mathematics teachers in lower secondary classrooms. The inquiry-based teaching strategy provides an opportunity for learners to learn mathematical concepts by 'exploring', 'conjecturing', 'reasoning', and 'evaluating' (Arendas...
Children may use varying strategies to count the cubes. Encourage students to compare the different ways they arrived at their totals. Show that if you count the cubes by ones, there are 26 total. Say:Put away those cubes. I'm going to give you some more cubes. ...
基于有效教学的初中数学复习课策略研究A Research on Effective Teaching Strategies of JuniorMiddle School Mathematics Review Class 热度: An Analysis of English Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Rural Junior Middle School--Problems and Suggestions (浅析农村初中英语词汇教学的策略--问题及建议) ...